Connecting the sensors
· Optional irradiation sensor
The optional addition of an irradiation sensor (type
This additional measuring unit helps with analysis of the system. On the basis of the values, possible errors in the PV generator, such as e.g. shading or failure of solar cells, can be detected.
For demonstration purposes, the irradia- tion sensor and the corresponding data can be used to show how a PV system functions. In conjunction with the Sunways NT Monitor visualisation soft- ware, the stored data can be displayed.
Before you connect an irradiation sensor, you must remove the cover of the solar inverter. Pay heed to all safety hints on pages 90 and 91. Please note that the inputs and outputs are not
The optional irradiation sensor with temperature sensor is connected to the corresponding terminals at the bottom right of the middle board.
(Top figure) Connection block for temperature sensor cables with the signals: Temp, Solar, V+ and