IPSec Global Settings
IPSec Global Setting
IP Global Setting
Enabling either WAN 1, WAN 2, or both will start the VPN global setting.
ISAkmp Port
Internet Security Association and Key Protocol Management (ISAkmp) is designed to negotiate, establish, modify, and delete security associations and their attributes. In particular, it was assigned UDP port 500 by the IANA.
Phase 1 DH Group
Use DH Group
Phase 1 Encryption Method
There are three data encryption methods available, DES, 3DES, and AES.
Phase 1 Authentication Method
There are two authentication available. MD5 and SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm)
Phase 1 SA Life Time
By default the Security Association lifetime is set at 28800 Sec.
Maxtime to complete phase 1
The aim of phase 1 is to authenticate and establish a secure tunnel, which will protect further IKE negotiation. The maximum time default is 30 sec.
Maxtime to complete phase 2
Maximum time to establish the IPSec SAs. By default the maximum time is 30 sec.
Log Level
Select a VPN log level that you like to display on VPN log.
Planning the VPN
Consider these questions and setups when planning your VPN:
If the remote end is a LAN network, the
Will you be using the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) setup or Manual Keying? For either method, you must specify each phase of the connection.
At least one side must have a fixed IP address. The other side with a dynamic IP address must always be the initiator of the connection.
What encryption level will you use? (DES/3DES - hardware encryption; AES - software encryption)