Function/Control Key Support
The RF Laser can also transmit key sequences for function, control, alt (command and option keys on Macs), cursor and shift keys, for ease of use with the many software packages using these keys for menus or commands. You can include these codes in other bar codes, or you can scan these “keystrokes” into your Preamble or Postamble in order to add them to every scan from your reader. You must have Full ASCII Code 39 enabled on your reader (this is the default setting). Scan the corresponding bar code (or pairs of codes for Pg Up, Pg Dn, Home, etc) from the Full ASCII menu to emulate the chosen key.
PC Key | Full ASCII Menu Bar Code |
F1 | SOH (f1) |
F2 | STX (f2) |
F3 | ETX (f3) |
F4 | EOT (f4) |
F5 | ENQ (f5) |
F6 | ACK (f6) |
F7 | BEL (f7) |
F8 | SO (f8) |
Numpad 5* | Null 5 |
Enter | CR |
F9 | SI (f9) |
F10 | DLE (f10) |
Del | Null . |
Insert | Null 0 |
Left Arrow* | Null 4 |
Rt Arrow* | Null 6 |
Dn Arrow* | Null 2 |
Up Arrow* | Null 8 |
Pg Up* | Null 9 |
Pg Dn* | Null 3 |
Home* | Null 7 |
End* | Null 1 |
Shift ON | EM (Shift ON) |
Shift OFF | SUB (Shift OFF) |
Control On | FS (Ctrl ON) |
Control Off | GS (Ctrl OFF) |
Alt On | RS (Alt ON) |
Alt Off | US (Alt OFF) |
*refers to the keys on the Number pad on the far right side of a PC keyboard. To emulate any of the keys above, scan the appropriate bar code from the FULL ASCII MENU. For example, to emulate the f5 key, scan the ENQ bar code.