Changing Wireless Display Settings
Launch the "Wireless Display Setup Utility". The following window is displayed. Use the "Profile"
This screen is a sample.
I To change the Wireless Display's SSID:
a1. In AdHoc mode, the default SSID of the Wireless Display is
a2. Since the SSID of the Wireless Display has been changed, the wireless network adapter in the PC must also be updated with the new SSID. Launch the configura- tion utility of the network adapter. Select [Action]
- [Add/Edit Configuration Profile]. Select the pro- file for the Wireless Display. Select [Edit] - [Next]. The window as shown on the right hand side is displayed. Enter the new SSID in the "Network Name" box. Go to step d1.
This screen is a sample.
I To change the TCP/IP address:
b1. The default TCP/IP addresses that are generated by the Wireless Display are used to setup the initial communication. Once the initial communication is established, the user can change the TCP/IP addresses of the PC and the display to suit the needs of their network environment. Enter the new TCP/IP addresses of the PC and the Display at B1 . Enter the new Subnet Mask at C1 . Click [Next]
Panasonic Wireless Display Configuration Manual | 18 |