Understanding Routing
Use routes to perform actions on your incoming calls and instant messages (IM) based on a set of conditions or exceptions. For example, you can create a route named Lunch that specifies a condition that calls received between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday are routed to your mobile phone first and then sent to your voice mail.
Tip: Routes apply to incoming calls in the order they are listed in the List of Routes window. Click Move up or Move down to change the order of how your incoming calls are treated.
Understanding the Personal Agent Route wizard
You use the Personal Agent Route wizard to create routes. The wizard presents
Use the Route wizard to:
•define routes to handle your incoming calls and instant messages
•specify how specific calls should be presented to you and on what devices in a simultaneous or sequential fashion
•specify personalized time blocks to further define your routes so that you are always reachable
•send an instant message when processing a ring list
Note: Your routes are bypassed when you place an emergency services call. Calls returned by emergency services personnel bypass your route list and ring at the location where the call originated.
| June 2008 |