5Click Return to my address book, to return to your personal address book.
Working with the global address book—List view
Use the global address book to access a single, common
Sorting users
To sort users in the global address book, perform the following steps.
1Click a column name to sort by that column.
(For example, Last name, First name, Office, or Home)
2Click the column name again to sort in reverse.
Viewing details about a user
To view details about a user in the global address book, perform the following steps.
1In the Last name, First name, Office, or Home column, click a highlighted user.
A page appears listing details about the user, including an icon that indicates their presence status on the network.
2Click Close to return to the global address book page
3Click Add to add this user to your personal address book.
Initiating a call to a global address book user
To initiate a call to a user in the global address book, perform the following steps.
1Click the Call link in the Call column to call the user in your global address book.
2Click the Call button to place a call to the user.
| June 2008 |