5Click Save to save this contact to your personal address book and close the window.
Click Cancel to return to your personal address book without saving your changes.
Editing a contact
If a contact’s information changes, you can modify your personal address book.
Note: If you configure the Call Forward service from user A to user B, and then change any of the address details of user B in the address book (using the Personal Agent), you must reenable the Call Forward service in the service package. The Call Forward service is not associated with the address book.
Editing a contact—List view
To edit details about a contact in List view in your personal address book, perform the following steps.
1From List view, click the Nickname link for the contact that you want to edit. A new window appears listing details about the contact.
2Click Edit.
3Enter or revise the contact information, including Friend or Group selections.
4Click Save.
Click Copy.
Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Click Back to return to your personal address book.
| Personal Agent User Guide |