Transcend Information CF 133X, TS4GCF133, TS8GCF133, TS1GCF133, TS16GCF133, TS32GCF133 TS1G~32GCF133

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133X CompactFlash Card




Note: 1) The sender shall be tested while driving an 18 inch long, 80 conductor cable with PVC insulation material. The signal under test shall be cut at a test point so that it has not trace, cable or recipient loading after the test point. All other signals should remain connected through to the recipient. The test point may be located at any point between the sender’s series termination resistor and one half inch or less of conductor exiting the connector. If the test point is on a cable conductor rather than the PCB, an adjacent ground conductor shall also be cut within one half inch of the connector.

The test load and test points should then be soldered directly to the exposed source side connectors. The test loads consist of a 15 pF or a 40 pF, 5%, 0.08 inch by 0.05 inch surface mount or smaller size capacitor from the test point to ground. Slew rates shall be met for both capacitor values.

Measurements shall be taken at the test point using a <1 pF, >100 Kohm, 1 Ghz or faster probe and a 500 MHz or faster oscilloscope. The average rate shall be measured from 20% to 80% of the settled VOH level with data transitions at least 120 nsec apart. The settled VOH level shall be measured as the average output high level under the defined testing conditions from 100 nsec after 80% of a rising edge until 20% of the subsequent falling edge.

Transcend Information Inc.


Image 32
Contents Placement Features Dimensions133X CompactFlash Card DescriptionTranscend Block Diagram Pin Assignments and Pin Type TS1G~32GCF133 Signal Description DirGND Inpack Iowr VCC Wait Electrical Specification Output Drive Type Output Drive Characteristics Signal Interface Additional Requirements for CF Advanced Timing Modes Resistor is optional133X CompactFlash Card Ultra DMA Electrical RequirementsSeries termination required for Ultra DMA operation Table Typical Series Termination for Ultra DMAUltra DMA Mode Cabling Requirement Attribute Memory Read Timing Specification TS1G~32GCF133133X CompactFlash Card Common Memory Read Timing Specification Common Memory Write Timing Specification Input Read Timing Specification TS1G~32GCF133 Output Write Timing Specification TS1G~32GCF133 True IDE PIO Mode Read/Write Timing Specification TS1G~32GCF133 True IDE Ultra DMA Mode Read/Write Timing Specification Table Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing133X CompactFlash Card TS1G~32GCF133 TS1G~32GCF133 TS1G~32GCF133 Card Configuration Multiple Function CompactFlash Storage CardsAttribute Memory Function Attribute Memory FunctionConfiguration Option Register Base + 00h in Attribute Memory TS1G~32GCF133 Pin Replacement Register Base + 04h in Attribute Memory Socket and Copy Register Base + 06h in Attribute Memory Table Pcmcia Mode I/O Function Transfer FunctionCommon Memory Transfer Function Table Common Memory FunctionTrue IDE Mode I/O Transfer Function Metaformat Overview CF-ATA Drive Register Set Definition and Protocol Primary and Secondary Address Configurations Table Primary and Secondary I/O DecodingContiguous I/O Mapped Addressing Table Contiguous I/O DecodingTrue IDE Mode Addressing Memory Mapped AddressingCF-ATA Registers Data Register Address 1F0h170hOffset 0,8,9Feature Register Address 1F1h171h Offset 1, 0Dh Write Only Sector Count Register Address 1F2h172h OffsetSector Number LBA 7-0 Register Address 1F3h173h Offset Cylinder Low LBA 15-8 Register Address 1F4h174h OffsetTS1G~32GCF133 Device Control Register Address 3F6h376h Offset Eh Card Drive Address Register Address 3F7h377h Offset Fh CF-ATA Command Set LBADefinitions Check Power Mode 98h or E5h Execute Drive Diagnostic 90h Erase Sectors C0hFlush Cache E7h Format Track 50hIdentify Device Ech Data Field Type InformationTS1G~32GCF133 0X00h Word 0 General Configuration Word 1 Default Number of CylindersWord 3 Default Number of Heads Word 6 Default Number of Sectors per TrackPIO Data Transfer Cycle Timing Mode Words 7-8 Number of Sectors per CardWords 10-19 Serial Number Word 22 ECC CountMultiple Sector Setting Total Sectors Addressable in LBA ModeMultiword DMA transfer Word 64 Advanced PIO transfer modes supportedWords 82-84 Features/command sets supported Word 68 Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IordyWords 85-87 Features/command sets enabled Word 88 Ultra DMA Modes Supported and SelectedWord 91 Advanced power management level value Word 160 Power Requirement DescriptionWord 89 Time required for Security erase unit completion Word 128 Security StatusValue Maximum PIO mode timing selected Value Maximum Multiword DMA timing mode supportedValue Current PIO timing mode selected Word 162 Key Management Schemes SupportedValue Current Multiword DMA timing mode selected Value Maximum Pcmcia IO timing mode SupportedValue Maximum Memory timing mode Supported Idle 97h or E3hNOP 00h Idle Immediate 95h or E1hInitialize Drive Parameters 91h Read Buffer E4h Read DMA C8h Read Long Sector 22h or 23hTS1G~32GCF133 Seek 7Xh Set Features EFh Feature Supported133X CompactFlash Card TS1G~32GCF133 Standby Immediate 94h or E0h Translate Sector 87h Translate Sector InformationWear Level F5h Write Buffer E8h Write DMA CAh TS1G~32GCF133 TS1G~32GCF133 Error Posting Smart Command Set Smart Command Set Smart Feature Register ValuesSmart Data Structure Decription