TS1G~32GCF133 | 133X CompactFlash Card |
This word is required for CompactFlash Storage Cards that support power mode 1.
Bit 15: VLD
If set to 1, indicates that this word contains a valid power requirement description.
If set to 0, indicates that this word does not contain a power requirement description. Bit 14: RSV
This bit is reserved and shall be 0. Bit 13:
If set to 1, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card does not have Power Level 1 commands. If set to 0, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card has Power Level 1 commands
Bit 12:
If set to 1, indicates that Power Level 1 commands are disabled. If set to 0, indicates that Power Level 1 commands are enabled. Bit
This field contains the CompactFlash Storage Card’s maximum current in mA.
Word 162: Key Management Schemes Supported
Bit 0: CPRM support
If set to 1, the device supports CPRM Scheme (Content Protection for Recordable Media) If set to 0, the device does not support CPRM.
Word 163: CF Advanced True IDE Timing Mode Capabilities and Settings
This word describes the capabilities and current settings for CFA defined advanced timing modes using the True IDE interface.
Notice! The use of True IDE PIO Modes 5 and above or of Multiword DMA Modes 3 and above impose significant restrictions on the implementation of the host:
Additional Requirements for CF Advanced Timing Modes.
There are four separate fields defined that describe support and selection of Advanced PIO timing modes and Advanced Multiword DMA timing modes. The older modes are reported in words 63 and 64.
Word 63: Multiword DMA transfer and Word 64: Advanced PIO transfer modes supported.
Value | Maximum PIO mode timing selected |
0 | Specified in word 64 |
1 | PIO Mode 5 |
2 | PIO Mode 6 |
Reserved |
Value | Maximum Multiword DMA timing mode supported |
0 | Specified in word 63 |
1 | Multiword DMA Mode 3 |
2 | Multiword DMA Mode 4 |
Reserved |
Value | Current PIO timing mode selected |
0Specified in word 64
1PIO Mode 5
Transcend Information Inc. | 66 |