MGE UPS Systems Switched PDU Operations, Displaying the status of the Environmental Monitor

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Displaying the status of the Environmental Monitor

3. Operations

Displaying the status of the Environmental Monitor

The Envmon command displays the status of the integrated Environmental Monitor.

By default, only administrative user accounts are allowed access to the Envmon command. An administrator may user the Set User Envmon command to enable and disable access for other user accounts.

To display the status of the Environmental Monitor:

At the Switched PDU: prompt, type envmon and press Enter.


The following command displays the status of the Environmental Monitor.

Switched PDU: envmon<Enter>



Environmental Monitor .A

Status: Normal


Name: Florida_HQ_1


Temperature/Humidity Sensors









Not Found

Not Found



23.5 Deg. C

22 % RH

Starting a new session

The Login command activates the Username: prompt. The current session ends, allowing a user to log in and start a new session under a different username.

To start a new session:

At the Switched PDU: prompt, type login and press Enter. The Username: prompt appears.

Ending a session

The Quit or Logout commands ends a session. A session ends automatically when no activity is detected for five minutes, or upon loss of connection.

To end a session:

At the Switched PDU: prompt, type quit and press Enter, or

Type logout and press Enter.

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Contents Switched PDU Installation and user manual E T N I N U E H TInstructions Dangerous VoltageProtective Grounding Terminal Life-Support PolicyContents INSTALLATIONGETTING STARTED OPERATIONSQuick Start Guide 1. Getting Starteduser account prior to attachment to your network Standard Accessories 2. InstallationAdditional Required Items Equipment Overview Figure 1. Unit Views1 Power Input 2 Input Current LED 3 Ethernet / RS232 Ports 4 Temperature / Humidity PortsSafety Precautions Installing the Power Input Retention BracketFigure 2. Retention Bracket assembly To install the power input retention bracketConnecting to the Power Source To attach a power cord to the unitTo connect to the power source MountingConnecting Devices Connecting the SensorsConnecting to the Unit Serial RS232 portPage 3. Operations I NTERFACESHTML I NTERFACE C OMMAND L INE I NTERFACEUsernames and Passwords 3. OperationsInterfaces Outlet Naming and GroupingFigure 4. Example HTML page Logging In HTML InterfaceTo log in by HTML Outlet Control IndividualGroup Outlet State/Control State Field ValuesConfiguration Environmental MonitoringInput Load SensorsNetwork Telnet/SSHHTTP/SSL Setting the IP address, subnet mask or gatewaySerial Ports Setting the HTTP authentication methodSetting SSL access level Setting the data-rate for the serial portsOutlets GroupsUsers Changing a user passwordChanging a user’s access privilege level Adding and Deleting outlet accessAdding and Deleting group access Adding and Deleting serial port accessSNTP SNMPSetting the filename for upload Testing the FTP upload configurationCommand Line Interface ToolsRestart Logging InOperations Command Summary Administrative Command SummaryTo display the names of commands that you may execute Administrative Command Summary continuedOperations Commands Rebooting outletsTo reboot one or more outlets Turning outlets onDisplaying outlet status To display on/off status of one or more outletsDisplaying accessible outlets To display accessible outletsDisplaying accessible groups To display accessible groupsDisplaying accessible serial ports To display accessible serial portsConnecting to a serial device Displaying infeed statusDisplaying the status of the Environmental Monitor To display the status of the Environmental MonitorStarting a new session To start a new sessionAdministration Commands User AdministrationCreating a user account To create a user accountChanging a password To change a passwordSetting user access level privileges To set the access level privilege for a userDisplaying the access privilege levels To display user access privilege levelsAdding outlet access to a user To grant outlet access to a userDeleting outlet access for a user To delete outlet access for a userAdding group access to a user To grant group access to a userGroup Administration Displaying user outlet, group and serial port accessTo display user outlet, group and serial port access Creating a group nameOutlet Administration Adding an outlet to a groupTo add an outlet to a group Deleting an outlet from a groupSetting the outlet wakeup state To set the wakeup stateDisplaying outlet information To display outlet informationSerial Port Administration Setting the serial ports data-rateEnabling or disabling active signal checking for serial connections To enable or disable active signal checking for serial connectionsSystem Administration Displaying system configuration informationTo display system configuration information Creating a location descriptionCreating a descriptive tower name To create a tower nameDisplaying tower information To display tower informationTCP/IP Administration To perform a warm bootSetting the IP address Setting the subnet maskHTTP Administration Displaying network configuration informationTo display network configuration information To enable or disable HTTP supportTelnet Administration FTP AdministrationTo set the HTTP authentication method To enable or disable Telnet supportSetting the FTP Password To set the FTP passwordSetting the filename to be uploaded Setting the filepath for the file to be uploadedSNTP Administration Setting the SNTP server addressDisplaying SNTP configuration information To display SNTP configuration informationEnabling and Setting up SSL Support SSL Technical SpecificationsEnabling and Setting up SSH Support SSH Technical SpecificationsSSL Command Summary Enabling and Setting up SSL SupportSSL Technical Specifications To enable or disable SSL supportSSH Command Summary Enabling and Setting up SSH SupportSSH Technical Specifications To enable or disable SSH supportSNMP Command Summary Enabling and Setting up SNMP SupportSNMP To enable SNMP supportTo reset the trap destination To set the trap timerSetting the Get/Set community strings Setting the Trap community stringSNMP Traps Trap SummaryTower Status traps Infeed Status trapsOutlet Status traps Environmental Monitor Status trapsTemperature/Humidity Sensor Status traps Load trapsTemp traps Humidity trapsTemp Trap Humidity TrapTo Enable or Disable a Status trap Configuring Traps SNMP Trap Command SummaryEnabling or Disabling a Status trap To Enable or Disable a Load trap Setting the Infeed Load limitTo Enable or Disable a Change trap To Enable or Disable the Temp trapSetting the Temperature sensor threshold limits To Enable or Disable the Humid trapSetting the Humidity sensor threshold limits To set the Temperature threshold limitsDisplaying trap configuration information To display trap informationStatus WebServer1R ESETTING TO F ACTORY D EFAULTS 5. AppendicesU PLOADING F IRMWARE T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSResetting to Factory Defaults To reset to factory defaults from the HTML interfaceTo reset to factory defaults from the command line To reset to factory defaults using the reset buttonTechnical Specifications Power RatingsPhysical Specifications Models Europe/AsiaLED Indicators Data ConnectionsBranch Circuit Protection RS-232 portPage