MGE UPS Systems Switched PDU SSL Command Summary, Enabling and Setting up SSL Support, Example

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SSL Command Summary

4. Advanced Operations


Secure Socket Layers (SSL) version 3 enables secure HTML sessions between a Switched PDU Remote Power Manager and a remote user. SSL provides two chief features designed to make TCP/IP (Internet) transmitted data more secure:

Authentication – The connecting client is assured of the identity of the server.

Encryption – All data transmitted between the client and the server is encrypted rendering any intercepted data unintelligible to any third party.

SSL uses the public-and-private key encryption system by RSA, which also requires the use of digital certificates. An SSL Certificate is an electronic file uniquely identifying individuals or websites and enables encrypted communication; SSL Certificates serve as a kind of digital passport or credential. The Switched PDU product’s SSL Certificate enables the client to verify the Switched PDU’s authenticity and to communicate with the Switched PDU securely via an encrypted session, protecting confidential information from interception and hacking.

SSL Command Summary




Enables/disables SSL support



Set SSL access

Sets SSL access as optional or required

Enabling and Setting up SSL Support

NOTE: A restart of the Switched PDU is required after setting or changing ANY SSL configurations. See Performing a warm boot on page 39 for more information.

Enabling or disabling SSL support

The Set SSL command is used to enable or disable SSL support.

To enable or disable SSL support:

At the Switched PDU: prompt, type set ssl, followed by enabled or disabled and press Enter.

Setting SSL access level

The Set SSL Access command is used to assign use of SSL as optional or required. The default access level is set to optional.

To change the access level:

At the Switched PDU: prompt, type set ssl access, followed optional or required, and press Enter.


The following changes the access level to required:

Switched PDU: set ssl access required<Enter>

SSL Technical Specifications

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version 3

Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1 (RFC 2246) SSL/TLS-enabled HTTPS server (RFC 2818) Self-Signed X.509 Certificate version 3 (RFC 2459)

Asymmetric Cryptography: 1024-bit RSA Key Exchange

Symmetric Cryptography Ciphers:



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Contents E T N I N U E H T Switched PDU Installation and user manualDangerous Voltage InstructionsProtective Grounding Terminal Life-Support PolicyINSTALLATION ContentsGETTING STARTED OPERATIONS1. Getting Started Quick Start Guideuser account prior to attachment to your network 2. Installation Standard AccessoriesAdditional Required Items Figure 1. Unit Views Equipment Overview1 Power Input 2 Input Current LED 3 Ethernet / RS232 Ports 4 Temperature / Humidity PortsInstalling the Power Input Retention Bracket Safety PrecautionsFigure 2. Retention Bracket assembly To install the power input retention bracketTo attach a power cord to the unit Connecting to the Power SourceTo connect to the power source MountingConnecting the Sensors Connecting DevicesConnecting to the Unit Serial RS232 portPage I NTERFACES 3. OperationsHTML I NTERFACE C OMMAND L INE I NTERFACE3. Operations Usernames and PasswordsInterfaces Outlet Naming and GroupingHTML Interface Figure 4. Example HTML page Logging InTo log in by HTML Individual Outlet ControlGroup Outlet State/Control State Field ValuesEnvironmental Monitoring ConfigurationInput Load SensorsTelnet/SSH NetworkHTTP/SSL Setting the IP address, subnet mask or gatewaySetting the HTTP authentication method Serial PortsSetting SSL access level Setting the data-rate for the serial portsGroups OutletsUsers Changing a user passwordAdding and Deleting outlet access Changing a user’s access privilege levelAdding and Deleting group access Adding and Deleting serial port accessSNMP SNTPSetting the filename for upload Testing the FTP upload configurationTools Command Line InterfaceRestart Logging InAdministrative Command Summary Operations Command SummaryAdministrative Command Summary continued To display the names of commands that you may executeRebooting outlets Operations CommandsTo reboot one or more outlets Turning outlets onTo display on/off status of one or more outlets Displaying outlet statusTo display accessible outlets Displaying accessible outletsDisplaying accessible groups To display accessible groupsTo display accessible serial ports Displaying accessible serial portsConnecting to a serial device Displaying infeed statusTo display the status of the Environmental Monitor Displaying the status of the Environmental MonitorStarting a new session To start a new sessionUser Administration Administration CommandsCreating a user account To create a user accountTo change a password Changing a passwordSetting user access level privileges To set the access level privilege for a userTo display user access privilege levels Displaying the access privilege levelsAdding outlet access to a user To grant outlet access to a userTo delete outlet access for a user Deleting outlet access for a userAdding group access to a user To grant group access to a userDisplaying user outlet, group and serial port access Group AdministrationTo display user outlet, group and serial port access Creating a group nameAdding an outlet to a group Outlet AdministrationTo add an outlet to a group Deleting an outlet from a groupTo set the wakeup state Setting the outlet wakeup stateDisplaying outlet information To display outlet informationSetting the serial ports data-rate Serial Port AdministrationEnabling or disabling active signal checking for serial connections To enable or disable active signal checking for serial connectionsDisplaying system configuration information System AdministrationTo display system configuration information Creating a location descriptionTo create a tower name Creating a descriptive tower nameDisplaying tower information To display tower informationTo perform a warm boot TCP/IP AdministrationSetting the IP address Setting the subnet maskDisplaying network configuration information HTTP AdministrationTo display network configuration information To enable or disable HTTP supportFTP Administration Telnet AdministrationTo set the HTTP authentication method To enable or disable Telnet supportTo set the FTP password Setting the FTP PasswordSetting the filename to be uploaded Setting the filepath for the file to be uploadedSetting the SNTP server address SNTP AdministrationDisplaying SNTP configuration information To display SNTP configuration informationSSL Technical Specifications Enabling and Setting up SSL SupportEnabling and Setting up SSH Support SSH Technical SpecificationsEnabling and Setting up SSL Support SSL Command SummarySSL Technical Specifications To enable or disable SSL supportEnabling and Setting up SSH Support SSH Command SummarySSH Technical Specifications To enable or disable SSH supportEnabling and Setting up SNMP Support SNMP Command SummarySNMP To enable SNMP supportTo set the trap timer To reset the trap destinationSetting the Get/Set community strings Setting the Trap community stringTrap Summary SNMP TrapsTower Status traps Infeed Status trapsEnvironmental Monitor Status traps Outlet Status trapsTemperature/Humidity Sensor Status traps Load trapsHumidity traps Temp trapsTemp Trap Humidity TrapConfiguring Traps SNMP Trap Command Summary To Enable or Disable a Status trapEnabling or Disabling a Status trap Setting the Infeed Load limit To Enable or Disable a Load trapTo Enable or Disable a Change trap To Enable or Disable the Temp trapTo Enable or Disable the Humid trap Setting the Temperature sensor threshold limitsSetting the Humidity sensor threshold limits To set the Temperature threshold limitsTo display trap information Displaying trap configuration informationStatus WebServer15. Appendices R ESETTING TO F ACTORY D EFAULTSU PLOADING F IRMWARE T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSTo reset to factory defaults from the HTML interface Resetting to Factory DefaultsTo reset to factory defaults from the command line To reset to factory defaults using the reset buttonPower Ratings Technical SpecificationsPhysical Specifications Models Europe/AsiaData Connections LED IndicatorsBranch Circuit Protection RS-232 portPage