Stop, Start & Operating the External Service Bypass Panel
Make sure that all cable con– nections are in place prior to
2.5Start (from complete power down)
2.5.1Starting up Silcon DP3400E – DP3500E
1.Ensure that the system has been at stable environment for at least 12 hours to ensure any condensation has been evaporated before starting up.
If the start up procedure for any reason is interrupted – wait until the display shows the step 4 picture and repeat from this step.
Do not close the external battery MCCB’s without the display showing “Close MCCB”
–otherwise you may damage the UPS.
If the display shows: “DC capacitor charge error”, do not close MCCB, but call for assistance.
If “Autostart” is active (please refer to 4.2.1) the UPS will start automatically after step 9 with a delay of 1 minute.
2.Prepare the system by opening the front door(s).
3.Switch on the utility power supply
4.Wait about 10 seconds
5.Press on the keyboard
6.Press on the keyboard
7.Wait about 1 second
8.Wait about 1 minute
9.Close battery MCCB’s in
Please refer to LED indication and labelling in
10.Press the green “ON“
11.Close the front door.
Display shows
System type XXX
Stop charge DC capacitors : YES
Start charge DC capacitors : YES
Data stored
Start charge DC capacitors : YES
Insert fuse or
close MCB
** System OFF **
Normal operation load power XX%
Start up of system now completed.
7OA0004 US rev. 02
User Guide Silcon DP300E Series 480V | 7 |