Agilent Technologies 6632B, 6634B, 66332A, 6633B, 6614C, 6613C, 6631B, 66312A, 6612C manual Manual Updates

Page 103

Manual Updates

The following updates have been made to this manual since the December 1998 printing indicated on the Printing History page.


Information about installing VXIplug&play Power Products Instrument Drivers has been included in the beginning of chapter 2.


All references to HP have been changed to Agilent.

All references to HP-IB have been changed to GPIB.

Image 103 Agilent Technologies 6632B, 6634B, 66332A, 6633B, 6614C, 6613C, 6631B, 66312A, 6612C, 6611C manual Manual Updates
Contents Programming Guide Printing History Safety GuidelinesTable of Contents Internally Triggered Measurements Language DictionaryOutput Commands Example Programs Error MessagesScpi Conformance Information Compatibility LanguageDocumentation Summary About this GuideGpib References External ReferencesScpi References System Requirements VXIplug&play Power Products Instrument DriversDownloading and Installing the Driver Supported ApplicationsGpib Address Accessing Online HelpGpib Capabilities of the DC Source RS-232 Capabilities of the DC SourceRS-232 Programming Example RS-232 Flow ControlBaud Rate Boldface font RS-232 TroubleshootingIntroduction to Scpi Conventions Used in This GuideMultiple Commands in a Message Types of Scpi CommandsMoving Among Subsystems Including Common CommandsUsing Queries Types of Scpi MessagesMessage Unit Separator Query IndicatorMessage Unit HeadersResponse Data Types Scpi Data FormatsNumerical Data Formats Suffixes and MultipliersUsing Device Clear Scpi Command CompletionPage Enabling the Output Power-on InitializationIntroduction Programming the OutputMaximum Current Output VoltageOutput Current Maximum VoltageOutput Trigger System Model Setting the Voltage or Current Trigger LevelsTriggering Output Changes Scpi Triggering NomenclatureGenerating Triggers Initiating the Output Trigger SystemVoltage and Current Measurements Making MeasurementsDC Measurements Current Ranges RMS Measurements Agilent 66312A, 66332A OnlyMeasurement Trigger System Model Internally Triggered MeasurementsSequence Form Alias SEQuence2 ACQuire BUS Generating Measurement Triggers Agilent 66312A, 66332A OnlyTrigger Commands Used to Measure Output Pulses Current Detector Measuring Output Pulses Agilent 66312A, 66332A OnlyPulse Measurement Queries Varying the Voltage or Current Sampling Rate Controlling Measurement SamplesMultiple Measurements Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only Pre-event and Post-event Triggering Pulse Measurement Example Agilent 66312A, 66332A onlyOption Base Programming the Status Registers Power-On ConditionsOperation Status Group Standard Event Status Group Questionable Status GroupStatus Byte Register RQS Bit Determining the Cause of a Service InterruptServicing Operation Status and Questionable Status Events MSS BitRemote Inhibit RI Inhibit/Fault IndicatorMonitoring Both Phases of a Status Transition Discrete Fault Indicator DFIPin Using the Inhibit/Fault Port as a Digital I/OBit Weight DFI Programming ExamplePage Language Dictionary Subsystem CommandsSubsystem Commands Syntax ALC DFISubsystem Commands Syntax Output Programming Parameters Common CommandsCommon Commands Syntax Programming ParametersCALibrateCURRentMEASureLOWRange Calibration CommandsCALibrateCURRent CALibrateCURRentNEGativeCALibrateLEVel CALibratePASSwordCommand Syntax CALibrateSAVE Parameters None Examples CALibrateDATAQuery Syntax CALibrateSTATe? CALibrateSTATeCALibrateVOLTage CALibrateVOLTagePROTectionQuery Syntax Measurement CommandsMEASureARRayCURRent? FETChARRayCURRent? MEASureARRayVOLTage? FETChARRayVOLTage?FETChCURRent? applies to Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only MEASureCURRent? FETChCURRent?MEASureCURRentACDC? FETChCURRentACDC? MEASureCURRentHIGH? FETChCURRentHIGH?MEASureCURRentMAXimum? FETChCURRent MAXimum? MEASureCURRentLOW? FETChCURRentLOW?MEASureCURRentMINimum? FETChCURRentMINimum? FETChVOLTage? applies to Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only MEASureVOLTage? FETChVOLTage?MEASureVOLTageACDC? FETChVOLTageACDC? MEASureVOLTageHIGH? FETChVOLTageHIGH?MEASureVOLTageMAXimum? FETChVOLTageMAXimum? MEASureVOLTageLOW? FETChVOLTageLOW?MEASureVOLTageMINimum? FETChVOLTageMINimum? Returned Parameters NR3 SENSeCURRentRANGeSENSeCURRentDETector Unit a amperes *RST Value MAX high rangeSENSeSWEepTINTerval SENSeFUNCtionSENSeSWEepOFFSetPOINts SENSeSWEepPOINtsReturned Parameters CRD SENSeWINDowHANNing RECTangularOUTPutDFISOURce Output CommandsOUTPut OUTPutDFIOUTPutPONSTATe OUTPutPROTectionDELayOUTPutPROTectionCLEar Query Syntax OUTPputRELayPOLarity? OUTPutRELayOUTPutRELayPOLarity OUTPutRIMODESOURceCURRentPROTectionSTATe Default SuffixSOURceCURRent SOURceCURRentTRIGgerQuery Syntax SOURceDIGitalDATA? SOURceDIGitalDATASOURceDIGitalFUNCtion SOURceVOLTageAgilent 66332A, 6631B, 6632B, 6633B and 6634B Only SOURceVOLTageALCBANDwidth? SOURceVOLTageALCBWIDth?SOURceVOLTageTRIGger SOURceVOLTagePROTectionSTATusOPERationCONDition? Status CommandsSTATusPRESet STATusOPERation?STATusOPERationNTR STATusOPERationPTR STATusOPERationENABleQuery Syntax STATusOPERationENABle? Parameters Preset ValueSTATusQUEStionable? STATusQUEStionableENABleSTATusQUEStionableCONDition? STATQUESNTR?STATQUESPTR? Command Syntax *CLS Parameters NoneSTATusQUEStionableNTR STATusQUEStionablePTR CLSOPC Bit Configuration of Standard Event Status Enable RegisterESE ESR?Example PSCSRE PSC onNR1 register binary value Bit Configuration of Status Byte RegisterSTB? WAIDISPlayTEXT System CommandsDISPlay DISPlayMODEParameters none Returned Parameters NR2 SYSTemERRor?SYSTemLANGuage SYSTemVERSion?IDN? SYSTemLOCalSYSTemREMote SYSTemRWLockRST Command Syntax RCL NRf Parameters ExampleOPT? RCLTST? RST SettingsCommand Syntax SAV NRf Parameters Example SAVINITiateCONTinuousSEQuence1 INITiateCONTinuousNAME Trigger CommandsABORt INITiateSEQuence INITiateNAMEAbor Currtrig Init *TRG Volttrig TRIGgerTRIGgerSOURce TRIGgerSEQuence2 TRIGgerACQuireTRIGSEQ2COUNCURR 5 Trigacqcouncurr TRIGgerSEQuence2COUNtCURRent TRIGgerACQuireCOUNtCURRentTRIGgerSEQuence2COUNtVOLTage TRIGgerACQuireCOUNtVOLTage Parameters RST Value ExamplesTRIGSEQ2HYSTCURR TRIGSEQ2LEVVOLT TRIGSEQ2HYSTVOLT TRIGSEQ2LEVCURRTRIGSEQ2LEVCURR TRIGSEQ2HYSTVOLT TRIGgerSEQuence2LEVelCURRent TRIGgerACQuireLEVelCURRentTRIGgerSEQuence2LEVelVOLTage TRIGgerACQuireLEVelVOLTage TRIGSEQ2LEVVOLT TRIGSEQ2HYSTCURRTRIGgerSEQuence2SLOPeVOLTage TRIGgerACQuireSLOPeVOLTage TRIGgerSEQuence2SLOPeCURRent TRIGgerACQuireSLOPeCURRentTRIGSEQ2SLOPVOLT TRG Parameters None Related CommandsTRIGgerSEQuence2SOURce TRIGgerACQuireSOURce TRIGgerSEQuence1DEFine TRIGgerSEQuence2DEFinePage Non-SCPI Commands Scpi Confirmed CommandsScpi Version Page Command Setting Table B-1. COMPatibility Power-on Settings CommandASTS? CLR Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands CompatibilityERR? FAULT? ID? IOUT? Similar Scpi CommandTable B-2. COMPatibility Commands Description Similar Scpi Compatibility CommandError Table B-2. COMPatibility CommandsCompatibility Description Command These commands determine the conditions that will set bitsRQS ERR RDY Norm Fast INH ERR UNR +CCFAU Page Bit Set Error Number Error Code Error Type Error Number ListTable C-1. Error Numbers Error Number Page National Instruments Gpib Driver Assigning the Gpib Address in ProgramsTypes of DOS Drivers Agilent 82335A DriverBasic Controllers Error HandlingExample Programs D Call IBCLRPS% Example 2. IBM Controller Using National InterfaceCODES$=*CLS Option Base Example 3. Controller Using BasicIndex 100 IndexScpi 101102 Manual Updates
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6613C, 66312A, 6631B, 6611C, 6614C specifications

Agilent Technologies, a leader in electronic test and measurement solutions, offers a range of power supplies designed to meet various application needs. Notable models include the 6632B, 6634B, 66332A, 6633B, and 6612C. Each of these units provides unique features and technologies that cater to researchers, engineers, and technicians in the industry.

The Agilent 6632B is a single-output DC power supply that delivers up to 30V and 3A. It is known for its excellent load regulation and low noise, making it ideal for sensitive electronic testing. The model includes built-in voltage and current measurement capabilities, allowing users to monitor output conditions in real time. The 6632B is commonly used in laboratory environments, educational institutions, and manufacturing lines.

Moving to the 6634B, this model offers dual-output capabilities with a maximum output of 30V and 6A. This versatility enables simultaneous powering of two different devices or circuit sections. It also features parallel and series operation options, allowing users to create a custom power supply configuration for specific applications. With a programmable interface, the 6634B simplifies test automation, ensuring efficiency in extensive testing scenarios.

The Agilent 66332A stands out with its precision and high performance. This power supply provides three outputs—two programmable and one fixed—yielding flexible power configurations. Its intuitive user interface allows easy adjustment of voltage and current settings. The device is equipped with extensive protection features to safeguard both the power supply and the connected load against faults. It is an excellent choice for complex testing setups that require reliable power.

The 6633B model offers a high-performance power supply with dual outputs, similar to the 6634B but with enhanced specifications. It can provide up to 40V and 2A per channel, delivering precision for demanding applications. This model is particularly suited for industries focused on high-reliability applications, such as telecommunications and aerospace.

Lastly, the Agilent 6612C is a compact and lightweight power supply providing single-output up to 60V and 2A. This model is designed for simplicity and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for portable applications. The 6612C’s unique characteristics include a compact design and user-friendly controls, which facilitate operation in field settings.

In summary, Agilent Technologies’ power supply models—6632B, 6634B, 66332A, 6633B, and 6612C—offer an array of features that cater to a wide range of testing and research needs, ensuring reliable power delivery in various contexts.