Printhead Cleaning
Clean the printhead with every ribbon change or after every 10,000 linear inches of direct thermal label media. Use the cleaning pen supplied with the printer or a
WARNING: The printhead may be extremely HOT. Make sure the printer is off. Using inappropriate cleaning materials will damage the printhead.
To expose the printhead, find the “PRESS HERE” label affixed to the Printhead Bracket. Press down where indicated and rotate the Printhead Lock Lever back to unlock the bracket. Swing the Printhead Bracket up and back to expose the paper path. Leave the Printhead Bracket in the up position for cleaning the paper path.
Figure 16 – Print Line Location on Printhead
Paper Path Cleaning
Using a
Remove the label roll and clean the exposed surfaces. Clear all dust and debris from the paper guides paying close attention to the inside sensor block.
NOTE: Printers operating with high duty cycles or caustic environments should be examined daily for dust and debris
Reinstall media, apply power and return printer to operating status.