Applications Overview
Applications Overview
This section identifies the applications development resources available, the printer’s fonts and bar code symbologies, and a Quick Start Guide to PAL (Printer Architecture Language)
Printer Application Language – PAL
PAL distinguishes Datasouth’s CodeWriter printers from other thermal printers in the marketplace. PAL uniquely supports both traditional applications, which rely on printer command sequences downloaded from a host system, and standalone applications accepting variable data from local user input or from a host system.
Datasouth provides the following PAL Documentation on the Quick Start CD, Internet Web Site (www.datasouth.com), and from your Datasouth representative:
PAL Sample Labels – Quickly develop your label by starting with a similar PAL label file. The Sample label directory provides common labels and the PAL sequences to generate the label.
PAL Programmer’s Manual – The complete language reference. Details on each command and construct. Important information for generating labels with bar codes and standalone applications.
Label Genesis
The Label Genesis Label Generation Program, included with each CodeWriter printer, provides a graphical