| Operator Panel Reference |
I/O Config. |
Parameter | Values | Description |
Baud Rate | 300, 600, 1200, | Selects the serial port baud |
| 2400, 4800, | rate |
| 9600, 19200, |
| 38400, or |
| 57600 |
Flow Control | Hardware, | Selects the flow control |
| Xon/Xoff | interaction with the host |
| Normal, or | computer |
| Xon/Xoff |
| Robust |
RTS Polarity | Online = High | Selects the RTS signal level |
| or | for its asserted state |
| Online = Low |
DTR Polarity | Ready = High | Selects the DTR signal level |
| or | for its asserted state |
| Ready = Low |
Parity | None, Even or | Selects the parity for serial |
| Odd | communications |
Data Bits | 8 or 7 | Selects the data word size for |
| serial communications |
Stop Bits | 1 or 2 | Selects the number of stop |
| bits for the data word |
Communications | - | (Documentation included with |
Option Setup |
| Communications Option |
| equipment) |