Setting the IP address of the ChemWeb Server
Now type the correct user name and the matching password in the entry boxes. Test the created connection by clicking “Connect”. If the connection is successful, a corresponding message will appear on the screen.
If the connection to the ChemWeb Server is established via this null modem connection,
must always be used as IP address. This IP address cannot be changed!
Special features of the null modem connection with Windows 95 / 98 / ME
These Windows versions do not include a driver for the direct connection between two PCs. A null modem driver must be reinstalled first, which is supplied on the attached CD.
To install this driver, a new modem must be added to the Control Panel under “Modems”. It must be installed and parameterized manually (no automatic detection). For the modem selection enter the null modem driver directory on the CD as source, and install the driver “RAS serial cable between 2 PCs”. Set the connection speed to 57600 bits/s under Modem Properties.
To create a null modem connection, the remote data transmission network must also be installed with these Windows versions. A remote data transmission connection must be set up via the installed modem. Enter “1” as telephone number and deactivate possibly set dial parameters (area code, country code...). Type the correct data of the ChemWeb Server in the boxes “User Name” and “Password”.
Special features of the null modem connection with Windows NT 4
It is a condition for this Windows version that at least Service pack 5 has been installed!
These Windows versions include a driver for the direct connection between two PCs, which must, however, be reinstalled first. To install this driver, a new modem must be added to the Control Panel under “Modems”. It must be installed and parameterized manually (no automatic detection). For the modem selection, install the driver “Remote data transmission network with serial cable between 2 PCs” from the standard modem types. Set the connection speed to 57600 bits/s under Modem Properties.
To create a null modem connection, a remote data transmission connection to the Internet (PPP) must be set up via the installed modem. Enter “1” as telephone number and deactivate any set dial parameters (area code, country code...). The boxes “User Name” and “Password” appear after choosing “Select”. Enter the correct data of the ChemWeb Server.
To change the IP address, the network mask or the DHCP operating mode of the ChemWeb Server, a utility program is supplied on the attached CD or floppy disk. The laptop computer/PC to be used must be linked to the ChemWeb Server via a network connection. For setting, start program “CHIPTOOL.EXE” in the “CHIPTOOL” directory.