| Function | Description | Support |
| Administration | <Import and Export> | { |
| Allows importing previously saved printer driver |
| settings and exporting the settings of this printer |
| driver. |
| Network settings | <Network Setting> | X |
| When the shared printer is installed as a network |
| printer, the setting or status information can be |
| shared between the server and the client. |
| Regional Options | <Language> |
| Allows selection of the desired language to be | { |
| used in the printer driver property screens. |
| <Units> | { |
| Allows the selection of the desired units of |
| measurement. |
| <Windows Setting> | { |
| Displays the “Regional and Language Options” of |
| Windows. |
| Printer Specifications | <Unprintable width> | X |
| Specifies the unprintable area. |
| <Model Specifications> | X |
| Specifies the resolution, stock size, etc. for the |
| printer model to be used. |
| [Logging Options] | <Logging> | { |
| Allows logging printed pages and jobs debugging |
| purposes. |
| <Printer Code Recording> | { |
| Allows recording the command data of the print |
| jobs to files. |
| [Status Monitoring] | <Printer Status Monitoring> | { |
| Allows selecting the printer status monitoring |
| method. |
| <Status Display Option> | { |
| Allows setting the properties of the status monitor. |
| <Job Verification> | X |
| Allows selecting the timing of status monitoring. |
| <Communication> | X |
| Allows setting the timeout and polling interval. |
About tab | License | Shows the license information. | { |
| Version | Shows the driver version, settings, and PC | { |
| information. |
| The shown information can be stored in a file. |
A part of the above settings can be changed in the print dialog box of the application, but such changes may only temporary take effect.
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