To perform matching procedure refer to page 18.
Before the MS6130 scanner ships from the factory, the factory programs the scanners to a set of default settings. These default settings can be found in the MS4120 Programming Guide. The default settings have an asterisk that appears before the brief definition located near the bar code. Once RF communication establishes, change the default settings of your scanner to meet your individual scanning needs. Configure the scanner by scanning the Transmitter Enter/Exit Program Mode bar code and the appropriate bar codes in the MS4120 Programming Guide.
For example, to program the MS6130 not to read ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5) bar code types:
∙With the MS6130, scan the Enter/Exit Program Mode bar code in the MS4120 Programming Guide, the Disable ITF bar code, then the Enter/Exit Program Mode bar code again.
Note: When the MS6130 is in program mode, never scan any of the