PC Card slots description, 2-4
PC Cards Slots, 2-2
phone numbers, worldwide, B-2 Ports
Ethernet Network, 2-6
External Power In description, 2-6 Fast IR port description, 2-6 Infrared transmitter/receiver port, 2-2
Keyboard/Mouse port description, 2-6
Modem port, 2-6
Mouse port description, 2-6 Mouse/Keyboard port, 2-6 Parallel port, 2-6
security lock description, 2-4 Serial port description, 2-6 Video port description, 2-6
control switches, 2-8
external power connector, 2-2 turning off the computer, 2-8
Power Management
advanced management features, 2-1 product identification number (PIN), B-1
Related Documentation, 1-3 Release
battery, 2-7 Replacing the battery, 2-14 Reset button, 2-6
description, 2-2 location, 2-2
Running Setup help hints, 4-3 launching submenus, 4-3
notebook computer, 4-8 password on undock, 4-11 supervisor password, 4-8, 4-10
user password, 4-9, 4-10 Security lock
description, 2-4
serial number, computer, B-1 Serial Port
description, 2-6 Setup menus
Advanced Menu, 4-5 Boot Menu, 4-13 Exit Menu, 4-14 Main Menu, 4-4 Power Menu, 4-11 Security Menu, 4-7
Software Application, 3-2 optional, 3-1 QuickRestore, 3-7 Utilities, 3-3
Speakers description, 2-4
stereo audio output jack, 2-2 Special Notices, vii
displaying operating status, 2-2 Supervisor password, 4-8
deleting, 4-10 support, Compaq, B-1 Suspend, 2-8 suspend/power, 2-8, 2-11 Suspend/Power Button
controlling power, 2-8 location, 2-2
System Restoration, 3-7 System Setup, 4-1
configurable features, 4-2 Defaults, 4-14 running, 4-1
System Setup Program, 4-11 System Specifications, A-1
Touch Pad, 2-9
double clicking/tapping, 2-10 On-line Help, 2-10
single clicking/tapping, 2-10 Troubleshooting, 6-1