Description: The AppleTalk print protocol requires that shared postscript printers be identified as to whether they are Level 1 or Level 2 postscript.
AppleTalk -> Font Group
Options: No font, All fonts, Standard 35, Standard 13
Default Value: Standard 35
Description: The AppleTalk print protocol requires that shared postscript printers be identified as to what font group is supported by the printer. Most postscript printers support Standard 35 (Adobe 35N font set). The option, “No font” will force Macintoshes to load fonts to the printer, and the option, “All fonts” will prevent Macintoshes from loading any fonts to the printer.
DHCP Server Configuration
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows servers and devices like the internet/print server to dynamically assign IP addresses to network devices. Dynamic IP assignment alleviates the need for the network administrator to maintain and monitor IP ad- dress assignments and simplifies IP use because IP address are automatically and dynamically assigned when a station
Important Note: If you use DHCP to set your local IP addresses, the software IP settings of all stations on the network will need to be manually configured to, or, as in the case of Windows 95/98 users, the “Obtain
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