Quick Start: Learning How to Make Measurements
Learning to Make Transmission Measurements
Step 4. Output measurement results
This example procedure shows how to output (store) measurement results to a disk.
For more information on creating a hardcopy of the measurement results, refer to
the "Printing, Plotting, and Saving Measurement Results" chapter in the User's Guide.
CAUTION Do not mistake the line switch for the disk eject button. If the line switch is mistakenly pushed, the instrument will be turned off, losing all settings and data that have not been saved.
1.Insert a DOS- or
2.Press Save/Recall
SELECT DISK . Choose INTERNAL DISK to save the measurement results to the analyzer's internal disk drive.
•Toggle DATA ARRAY on OFF to ON if you want to store the
•Toggle RAW ARRAY on OFF to ON if you want to store the raw data (ratioed and averaged, but no
•Toggle FORMAT ARY on OFF to ON if you want to store the formatted data on disk with the instrument state.
•Toggle GRAPHICS on OFF to ON if you want to store user graphics on disk with the instrument state.
•Toggle DATA ONLY on OFF to ON if you want to only store the measurement data of the device under test. The analyzer will not store the instrument state and
NOTE Toggling DATA ONLY on OFF to ON will override all of the other save options. Because this type of data is only intended for computer
manipulation, the file contents of a DATA ONLY ON off save cannot be recalled and displayed on the analyzer.
•Choose SAVE USING BINARY if you want to store data in a binary format.
•Choose SAVE USING ASCII if you want to store data in an ASCII format, to later read on a computer.
4. Press RETURN SAVE STATE and the analyzer saves the file with a default title.
Chapter 2 |