Chapter 5
Upgrading Software
As features are added to the Express XRT, software upgrades may be necessary. The Express XRT has flash memory allowing the software to be upgraded from a file provided by ADTRAN. The current version of the software can be found on the About tab in the Express Configuration Wizard or on the Status menu in the VT 100 Terminal Emulation menus.
The software can be upgraded using the Express Configuration Wizard, HyperACCESS, or any terminal emulation package sup- porting the XMODEM or XMODEM 1K protocols. Proceed to the appropriate section for further instruction.
If a terminal emulation package other than HyperACCESS is selected, see the instructions supplied with the package to set up an XMODEM or XMODEM 1K connection.
1.Start the Express Configuration Wizard. See the section titled Using the Express Configuration Wizard on page 15 for detailed instructions.
2.Click the tab labeled Diagnostics.
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