5. Special features of the SmartView XPro
The following special features of the SmartView XPro are implemented by firmware versions 1.12 and above. If you have an earlier version of firmware loaded into your SmartView you will need to download the latest firmware release from the Adder website (www.adder.com) and upgrade your SmartView before you can make use of these features (see section 6 for upgrade instructions).
5.1Synchronising SmartView XPros for multiple video head applications (requires firmware v1.12 or above)
Multiple SmartViews may be connected together so that they operate in a synchronised manner. Synchronised operation is useful for applications that require multiple video signals to be switched together. This type of operation is usually required where each computer is fitted with multiple video cards or video cards with multiple video heads. Such configurations are typically required in banking and engineering applications where greater video 'real estate' is required. Whenever the SmartView's channel is switched it sends an RS232 command out on its serial interface. The SmartView switches its channel if it receives the same command on its serial interface. Consequently, by linking the serial interfaces a master unit may be made to automatically switch a daisy chain of slaved units as shown in the diagram below.
It should be noted that the synchronisation cable deliberately does not have the transmit pin of the Slave End connector linked to the receive pin of the Master End connector. To do so would cause the Slave unit to be able to switch the Master unit. This would setup an endless cyclical switching sequence that would prevent the SmartViews from operating correctly.
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