EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only)
This device belongs to category B devices as described in EN 55022, unless it is specifically stated that it is a category A device on the specification label. The following applies to devices in category A of EN 55022 (radius of protection up to 30 meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all steps necessary to remove sources of interference to telecom- munication or other devices.
Pokud nenÌ na typovÈm ötitku poËÌtaËe uvedeno, ûe spad· do t¯Ìdy A podle EN 55022, spad· automaticky do t¯Ìdy B podle EN 55022. Pro za¯ÌzenÌ za¯azen· do t¯Ìdy A (ochrannÈ p·smo 30m) podle EN 55022 platÌ n·sledujÌcÌ.
CE Notice
Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of this tape library to the EMC
EN 55022 | "Limits and Methods of Measurement of |
| Radio Interference Characteristics of |
| Information Technology Equipment." This |
| system is an EN 55022 Class B device. |
EN | "Electromagnetic compatibility- |
| Genericimmunity standard Part 1: Res- |
| idential, commercial, and light industry." |
EN | "Electromagnetic compatibility for |
| |
| control equipment Part 2: Electrostatic |
| discharge requirements." - Severity level 3. |
IEC | "Electromagnetic compatibility for |
control equipment Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements." - Severity level 2.
EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) | |