Field Test Unit Software
Note:- all programs on the cassette are stored twice. This means | the | |
message | “SKIP : FTUC” might appear on the screen first before | the |
next file | is loaded |
8. Type:- NEW then press Return
All FTU programs are now loaded and ready to use.
9.Type:- RUN “FTUC” then press Return
(To begin FTUC operating. Press BREAK key then RUN “LOAD” or RUN “COPY” to begin those programs)
The Model 6302A Software Support (Version V#5.0 or later) requires a 16k memory FTU (Canon
To load program “PLOT” (the Print/Plot Package):-
1. DELETE all RAM files in the FTU (or perform Step 1. above).
2.Connect cassette player (Step 2. above) and insert tape, side B.
3.Type:- FSET 2300 then press Return
4.Type:- CLOAD “PLOT” then press Return
(The system should respond with ‘Found:PLOT’ and con- tinue to load the program into the FTU)
Note:- don’t save “PLOT” in the RAM file area (in a 16k FTU).
5. Type:- RUN then press Return
(To begin execution of the Print/Plot package).
Section 2. GETTING STARTED | 7 |