Canon Model 6401 B manual Loading PLOT’ in 16K RAM FTU

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Field Test Unit Software

Note:- all programs on the cassette are stored twice. This means



“SKIP : FTUC” might appear on the screen first before


next file

is loaded


8. Type:- NEW then press Return

All FTU programs are now loaded and ready to use.

9.Type:- RUN “FTUC” then press Return

(To begin FTUC operating. Press BREAK key then RUN “LOAD” or RUN “COPY” to begin those programs)


The Model 6302A Software Support (Version V#5.0 or later) requires a 16k memory FTU (Canon X-07), therefore only the Print/Plot Package can be loaded into the FTU If the FTU has been expanded to 24k, then other FTU utilities may also be loaded and the Print/Plot Package may be saved as a RAM file in the FTU.

To load program “PLOT” (the Print/Plot Package):-

1. DELETE all RAM files in the FTU (or perform Step 1. above).

2.Connect cassette player (Step 2. above) and insert tape, side B.

3.Type:- FSET 2300 then press Return

4.Type:- CLOAD “PLOT” then press Return

(The system should respond with ‘Found:PLOT’ and con- tinue to load the program into the FTU)

Note:- don’t save “PLOT” in the RAM file area (in a 16k FTU).

5. Type:- RUN then press Return

(To begin execution of the Print/Plot package).



Image 13
Contents Starlog Copyright Notice Table of Contents Recordings To CASSETTE/RAMLOAD/PLOT Operator Responses Running PlotxCommands Direct Commands from FTU-PROMDisplay Format ValuesField Test Unit Software Contents Memory structure Installation Why use a FTU?Running a Program Switching on the FTUAttaching the cassette REDLoading a Program Saving a ProgramGrey BlackFTU Memory Guide Filename ExtensionsPLOT/COPY/FTUC Loading PLOT’ in 16K RAM FTU Standard Features Copying Files Command FilesRunning Copy Timing considerations Operator Responses Question AnswerPrinting & Plotting Recordings Running LoadRunning Plot AnswersFile name,type Hhmm Ddmmyy Buffer Start Sample Field DescriptionsPRINT/PLOT/LOAD/COPY Examples Print Example Operator Response QuestionPlot Example Load Example Hhmm Ddmmyy File 50,14 Load Program control variablesInput Copy ExampleQuestionMeaning Plotx Operator ResponsesSample Field Description = GreenLines on the X-710 printer to produce Header message Line Header Message FormatL/F Data messages Line 2 onwards Data Message FormatEND Message Format END messageData Storage Format Operation CommandCursor KEY Commands 5 ‘space’ CommandINITIALlZATlON Channel Addresses Next Locate 0,1PRINT USING####BL Locate 0,3PRINT? LB PNFTU.X07 Program Listing CLSClsinputloc Lgoto If M=1 then M=2 Else M=1 Goto PRINT#1,KKKON Error Goto 0V =Clsinputblockbgoto Clsinputput NextDisplay of the Loggers Current Memory Values Key Stroke Function User Defined Screen FormatExample Commands to Modify Data Logger FTU to lock up on power onDisplay TimeTime X-07 Direct Commands from FTU-PROMS300 BaudFree QuitIndirect and Miscellaneous Commands Home Summary of CommandsCLR ALL Recorded Data will be Lost Pdlftu