Field Test Unit Software
The P command allows you to PUT new data to memory. Only one byte location may be altered at a time. The location altered is the first byte dis- played (the one indicated by the status line). The new value must be between 0 and 255. Use the ‘S & D’ keys to step backwards and forwards to adjacent locations to be altered.
The Cursor Keypad (at the top right of the FTU keyboard) step the dis- played location backwards (or forwards) one byte using the & - command keys, and backwards (or forwards) four bytes using the ^ & Vcommand keys.
6.1.5 ‘space’ COMMAND
The ‘space’ bar toggles the display between ‘byte mode’ (4 individual byte display) and ‘integer mode’ (4 byte, 32 bit single integer).
The initialization sequence should be avoided if possible. The FTU will in- itialize if the batteries are removed or go flat. Therefore the batteries should be changed when the low battery warning appears and should be changed with the power pack inserted so as the memory does not lose power. However if the program contained in the FTU has been lost, perform the following sequence.
(<RET > in the following sequence is the lower right hand key marked “RETURN” and $ is the dollar sign appearing above the 4)
Type in the program appearing at the end of the Section Enter “START$ = “RUN” + CHR$(l3)
Enter ‘OFF1 <RET > “\
The field test unit will power down and when next press the on button the FTU should appear as normal.
The following is a table of addresses versus channel viewed on the Field Test unit.
Section 6. NFTU COMMANDS | 29 |