Field Test Unit Software
Blocks 4 onwards (location 1024 to the end of memory) are reserved for logger data storage. Bytes are logged sequentially, without gaps, and the number of bytes logged per log interval will depend on the PDL program.
The Field Test Unit (FTU) is a battery powered, Intel 8085 based microcomputer with resident Microsoft BASIC (20K ROM). Memory capacities of 8K or 16K RAM are available for program and data storage. RAM memory is divided between a text area and a file area. The text area is used for loading and executing BASIC programs. The file area is used to store Program and Data files. Files in the file area are called RAM files. Both the text area and the file area are retained when the FTU is switched off, but these areas will be cleared if the batteries are removed.
1.2.1 Why use a FTU?
The Field Test Unit allows the programming and interrogation of the data loggers in the field. The FTU can be used to :
•Display and alter channels, accumulators, and memory locations in the data logger.
•Unload the logger into a RAM fiIe or onto cassette.
•Load the logger with new programs from a RAM file or from cassette.
•Transfer logger data and programs between the FTU, cassette, and a host computer.
The FTU should come with the following:
•BASIC Reference Manual
•Programming Guide for Beginners
•Reference Card (for
2 | Section 1. INTRODUCTION |