Canon Model 6401 B manual Plotx Operator Responses, QuestionMeaning

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Field Test Unit Software


The program “PLOTX” is an extended version of “PLOT” with capacity to handle circular log buffers, multiple plotter colour options and various data processing options such as maximum, minimum and average. It does this at the expense of FTU memory. On a 16K FTU the amount of free memory available for RAM command files is severely restricted.


1.Load PLOTX into the FTU. Connect datacassette or Data Logger to FTU

2.Type:- RUN then press Return

3.Answer questions as for PLOT

4.1.1 PLOTX - Operator Responses

The questions asked by “PLOTX” are the same as “PLOT” with the follow- ing additional questions which relate to “PLOTX” extended features.


Buffer number (0-7)number of buffer to unload & optional

(,log size)buffer log size if using a circular buffer in the data logger

Enter the buffer number (followed by the log size if unloading a circular buffer)

PLot Format,



Formatted input. (set of B,L,C)

Pointers & buffer



Buffer & Pointer format

Bypass, Skip buffer

B = Bypass data unloaded using “F” or “B”

or Done?

S = "



" “P”


D =Done (ready to



plot Scales, Line or

S = Scales are drawn every interval



L = A vertical Line is drawn every interval


N = No indication is required of intervals

This command allows

extra scale indications to be drawn on the







Image 28
Contents Starlog Copyright Notice Table of Contents To CASSETTE/RAM RecordingsLOAD/PLOT Operator Responses Running PlotxDirect Commands from FTU-PROM CommandsDisplay Format ValuesField Test Unit Software Contents Memory structure Why use a FTU? InstallationSwitching on the FTU Running a ProgramAttaching the cassette REDSaving a Program Loading a ProgramGrey BlackFilename Extensions FTU Memory GuidePLOT/COPY/FTUC Loading PLOT’ in 16K RAM FTU Standard Features Copying Files Command FilesRunning Copy Operator Responses Question Answer Timing considerationsRunning Load Printing & Plotting RecordingsRunning Plot AnswersFile name,type Hhmm Ddmmyy Buffer Start Sample Field DescriptionsPRINT/PLOT/LOAD/COPY Examples Print Example Question Operator ResponsePlot Example Load Example Hhmm Ddmmyy 50,14 Load Program control variables FileCopy Example InputPlotx Operator Responses QuestionMeaning= Green Sample Field DescriptionLines on the X-710 printer to produce Header message Line Header Message FormatL/F Data Message Format Data messages Line 2 onwardsEND Message Format END messageData Storage Format Command OperationCursor KEY Commands 5 ‘space’ CommandINITIALlZATlON Next Locate 0,1PRINT USING####BL Locate 0,3PRINT? LB P Channel AddressesNFTU.X07 Program Listing CLSPRINT#1,KKKON Error Goto 0V = Clsinputloc Lgoto If M=1 then M=2 Else M=1 GotoClsinputblockbgoto Clsinputput NextDisplay of the Loggers Current Memory Values User Defined Screen Format Key Stroke FunctionExample FTU to lock up on power on Commands to Modify Data LoggerTime DisplayX-07 Direct Commands from FTU-PROM TimeBaud S300Free QuitIndirect and Miscellaneous Commands Home Summary of CommandsCLR Pdlftu ALL Recorded Data will be Lost