Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is widely used to create a secure communication channel between web browsers and servers. Set up SSL for more secure connections to your Unified WIM and Unified EIM installation by following the procedures described in this chapter.
Installing a security certificate
This section explains the procedures that you must perform to acquire a certificate request. These include:
Generating a security certificate request
Submitting the certificate request
Installing the certificate on the Web Server
Generating a security certificate request
This procedure creates a new certificate request, which is then sent to a Certificate Authority (CA) for processing. If successful, the CA will send back a file containing a validated certificate.
Important: You need to generate the security certificate request for the Default web site and the
Messaging Applet web site.
To generate a certificate request:
1.Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
2.Browse to Web Sites > Web_Site_Name.
4.In the Default Web Site Properties window, go to the Directory Security tab.
5.In the Secure communications section, click the Server Certificate button to launch the Web Server Certificate Wizard.
Click the Server Certificate button
88 Cisco Unified Web and