Is a GPS Subscription required?
For GPS Basic, no GPS subscription is required. For GPS Premium, a GPS subscription will be required.
What is the difference between GPS Basic and GPS Premium?
GPS Basic is for outdoor use similar to the capabilities of a typical GPS device. GPS Premium is an enhanced GPS capability allowing GPS to be used indoors and outdoors.
What is NMEA?
NMEA 0183 is a standard protocol, used by GPS Receivers to transmit data. NMEA Output is composed of various strings. Sprint Mobile Broadband devices support the following strings: $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $GPGSA, $GPGSV.
When does one need NMEA?
You only need NMEA when using a GPS Application that employs an NMEA output stream (see “What is a GPS Application?” on page 127). We recommend not activating the NMEA stream unless you are going to use it; this will ensure the best possible data performance on your device.
What is Business Mobility Framework (BMF)?
BMF is an LBS infrastructure that allows GPS
What is enhanced local search?
It is a quick and easy method to run local search queries. This allows you to find locations and directions to locations/businesses via the Sprint SmartView software. The enhanced local search uses LBS, thus allowing you to search for Sprint Nextel stores, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, banks, etc.
How do I get the enhanced local search feature?
The enhanced local search is available as part of the latest Sprint SmartView software. It allows you to submit custom queries or use one of the predefined finder services that are included by default.
What is a GPS Application?
A GPS Application is an application that uses NMEA data to get regular location coordinate updates and values typically displayed in a user interface. Examples of GPS Applications are: Microsoft Streets & Trips and Map Point.
How do I develop GPS Applications?
Device GPS SDKs (software development kits) are available. We recommend joining the Sprint Nextel Software Application Development Program to get the appropriate and latest SDK information.
Frequently Asked Questions
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