PC400 Terminal Installation & User’s Guide - 3
Here is a list of the applications and their corresponding application executables:
Main Application Files |
BADGEX.EXE | Badge Excluder Utility |
BELL.EXE | Bell Ringing Setup Wizard |
BT32SMGR.EXE | Database Service** |
BTENG32M.EXE | Database Manager** |
DIALIN.EXE | Dial In Manager Wizard |
DBMGR.EXE | Database Manager User Interface** |
EMPREPORTS.EXE | Employee Reports Setup Utility** |
EXPORT32.EXE | Export Engine** |
IMPORT.EXE | Data Import Utility |
LICMGR32.EXE | Licence Manager** |
LRSEDIT.EXE | Langage Editer Utility |
MAPDB.EXE | Database Connection Object Utility** |
MERGE.EXE | File Merging Utility |
MSGCHECK.EXE | Message checker** |
PCCLICK.EXE | PC Click User Interface** |
PCIHSV.EXE | Interactive Help** |
PCSCMGR.EXE | Server Manager User Interface** |
RBEDIT.EXE | Raw Registration Editor** |
REGISTER32.EXE | Registration Wizard** |
RENY.EXE | Startup Manager** |
RENYRUN.EXE | PayClock Base Module** |
REPWRITE.EXE | Report Manager Interface** |
SETDST.EXE | Custom Daylight Savings Setup Utility |
TERMMGR.EXE | Terminal Manager** |
**Automatically exposed for the Windows XP Service Pack 2 built in firewall.