[ERASE ALL] function is for erasing only unlocked image files off a memory card. But [FORMAT] function is for deleting all data off a memory card
New cards cannot be used unless they are initialised.
the compact flash memory card that is not initialized
the compact flash memory card that a camera can't perceive.
Enlarging an image
When viewing a single image on the LCD monitor, you can zoom in to enlarge a portion of the image. Simply press the zoom T(tele) button to enlarge the image.
The scale of enlargement of the shooting image is as follows
-If recording size is large:1.5/2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 times.
-If recording size is small:1.5~2.5 times (0.5times interval).
When an image is enlarged, you may use the directional control to select a particular part of the enlarged image with the 4 direction buttons.
Pressing the W(wide) button will reduce the level of enlargement.
You can determine the extended position of the image by the indicator on the upper left of the LCD monitor [digital extension magnification/no indication (the original image)].