2.When the letter you want appears in the display, press the number key labeled with the next letter you want.
If the next letter is found on the same number button, move the cursor by pressing ❿, then press the desired button.
The blinking cursor moves right and the next letter appears in the display.
3.Select additional letters in the same way. When you’re finished entering letters, press Start/Enter.
Keypad character assignments
Key | Assigned numbers, letters, or characters |
1Space ➝ 1
2A ➝ B ➝ C ➝ 2
3D ➝ E ➝ F ➝ 3
4G ➝ H ➝ I ➝ 4
5J ➝ K ➝ L ➝ 5
6M ➝ N ➝ O ➝ 6
7P ➝ Q ➝ R ➝ S ➝ 7
8T ➝ U ➝ V ➝ 8
9W ➝ X ➝ Y ➝ Z ➝ 9
0 | + ➝ - ➝ , ➝ . ➝ ‘ ➝ / ➝ ➝ # ➝ & ➝ 0 |
2 Operation