Selectable options
These instructions assume that you have followed the steps on page 2.41 under ‘Setting an option’ and that the machine is prompting you to change one of the options listed here.
Press 1 to print a confirmation report automatically each time you send a fax (ON).
Press 2 to turn this feature off (OFF).
Press 3 to print only when an error occurs and the transmission was not successful (ERR).
Press 1 to print journal automatically after every 50 transmissions or receptions (ON).
Press 2 to print journal manually (OFF).
at factory.
Enter the desired code 0 to 9 on the number keypad.
Press 1 to turn the feature ON. The display asks you to determine the length of time the printer waits after a job is printed before it goes to a reduced power state:
Press 1 for 5 minutes, 2 for 10 minutes, 3 for 15 minutes, 4 for 30 minutes, or 5 for 45 minutes.
If your printer is used constantly, press 2 to turn the feature OFF. It keeps the printer ready to print with the minimum
2.42 Other functions