Cable Management Wizards
The following topics are included in this chapter:
Chapter Topics • About Cable Management's Wizards
•Infrastructure Setup Wizards
•Documentation Wizards
About Cable Management's Wizards
Cable Management offers a number of wizards that speed up the process of setting up and documenting your infrastructure. Each wizard can be used to build several identifiers in the same location, so you can default information that remains the same for all components being built at that time.
Infrastructure Setup Wizards help you speed up the process of setting up your geographical infrastructure.
Documentation Wizards help you autonumber and autoname the following components:
•Horizontal Links
•Termination Hardware
Recommendation: Wizards should be used properly and carefully so nothing within your documentation is altered in any manner. It's a good idea to underestimate the number of components needed and use the wizards to document in small blocks of items. By doing so, the individuals documenting can verify all is being documented correctly in all areas of the application as intended. Since the wizards don't complete everything needed, by creating small blocks of components at a time the user can go through the application quickly to complete the
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1