11.Adjust the color saturation level until the outermost (gray and blue) color bars appear to be a single shade of blue:
gray | yellow | cyan | green | magenta | red | blue |
Tint: Tint or “hue” is essentially the ratio of red to green in the color portion of the image. When tint is decreased, the image appears redder; when it is increased the image appears greener.
To adjust the tint, enable “blue only” display mode in the Diagnostics menu, as you would for adjusting color saturation (refer to the previous section, Color Saturation).
Select Tint from the Picture menu and press ENTER. Adjust the tint level until the cyan and magenta color bars (on either side of the green bar) appear to be a single shade of blue.
Like the brightness and contrast controls, the color and tint controls
Note are interactive. A change to one may require a subtle change to the other in order to achieve the optimum setting.
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