table of contents |
what is included | . 2 |
installation tools | . 2 |
important information | . 2 |
system maintenance | . 3 |
your warranty | . 3 |
fcc/id notice | . 4 |
warning! safety first | . 4 |
primary harness (H/1), | . 6 |
secondary harness (H/2), | . 7 |
relay satellite ribbon harness (H/3), | . 7 |
relay satellite thick gauge wires | . 8 |
installation | . 8 |
step 1 | 10 |
step 2 | 10 |
step 3 | 13 |
step 4 | 14 |
step 5 | 18 |
step 6 | 19 |
step 7 | 21 |
step 8 | 23 |
step 9 | 24 |
step 10 | 25 |
transmitter functions | 26 |
standard configuration | 27 |
transmitter/receiver learn routine | 28 |
using your system | 30 |
locking/arming | 30 |
unlocking/disarming | 30 |
31 | |
remote start | 31 |
timer mode | 32 |
valet | 34 |
features menu | 34 |
rapid resume logic | 35 |
programming options | 36 |
troubleshooting | 36 |
glossary of terms | 39 |
security & convenience expansions | 40 |
wiring quick reference guide | 42 |
notes | 43 |
quick reference guide | 45 |
© 2002 directed electronics, inc . | 1 |