3.Connect the Stereo Audio cable to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Audio in port and the Computer’s Line Out port.
4.To use the Video Service Utility, connect the Serial Download cable to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Control port and the Computer’s Serial port.
5.(Optional) Connect a monitor to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Video Out port. 6.(Optional) Connect speakers to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Audio Out port. 7.(Optional) Connect a local Serial device to the Local port.
Receiver /Receiver L connections
1.Connect the screen to the Video port.
2.Connect the audio/speakers to the Audio port/s. Where the audio/speakers have one stereo connector, connect it to the L&R port. Where the audio/speakers have two connectors for right and left channels, connect them to the L port and the R port.
3.Where relevant connect the Serial connection to the Serial port.
Receiver DCL connections
1.Connect one screen to Video port 1 and another screen to Video port 2.
2.Connect the audio/speakers of the first screen to stereo Audio port 1 and connect the audio/speakers of the second screen to stereo Audio port 2. Ensure that the Video and Audio ports are connected to the same numbers, i.e. one screen to Video and Audio ports 1 and the other screen to Video and Audio ports 2.
3.Where relevant connect the Serial connection to the Serial ports 1 and/or 2. See the detailed connections below.