Power On LED
The Power On LED connector is lo- cated on pins 15 and 16 of JF1. This connection is used to provide LED indication of power being supplied to the system. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
NMI Button
Power LED
Pin Definitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
155V Stby
NMI Button
Pin Definitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
Fan Headers
Chassis Intrusion
The Chassis Intrusion header is des- ignated JL1. See the board layout for the location of JL1 and the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
Fan Header Pin Definitions
(Fan1/2 - Fan7/8)
Pin # | Defi nition | Pin # | Defi nition |
1 | PWR (DC |
| Ground |
4 | |||
| Speed CTRL) |
2 | Tachometer for |
| Tachometer for |
5 | |||
| Fan 1/3/5 |
| Fan 2/4/6 |
3 | Ground |
| PWR (DC |
6 | |||
| Speed CTRL) |
Chassis Intrusion
Pin Definitions (JL1)
Pin# Defi nition
1Intrusion Input
2 Ground