Toshiba 50HP66, 42HP66 Connecting an analog audio system, To control the audio, TV back panel

Page 15

Connecting an analog audio system

This connection allows you to use external speakers with an external audio amplifier to adjust the sound level.

To control the audio:

Turn on the TV and the stereo amplifier.

Turn off the TV’s built-in speakers (see “Turning off the built-in speakers” on page 42.)

Note: To hear sound when using an external audio amplifier, the volume of both the TV and the amplifier must be set to a reasonable listening level.

You will need:

• one pair of standard audio cables


TV back panel

Analog audio￿￿￿￿￿￿￿amplifier

Connecting your TV

Connecting a digital audio system with built-in digital surround

The TV’s two digital audio outputs output a Dolby* Digitalor 2-

channel down-mixed PCM (pulse-code modulation) signal for use with an





external Dolby Digital decoder or other external audio system with optical or

coaxial audio input.




AV Amplifier with built-in digital surround














audio cable


audio cable


TV back panel

You will need:

one optical audio cable or coaxial audio cable.


Refer￿￿ to the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Owner’s manual￿￿￿of￿￿￿the￿￿￿

audio amplifier as well.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Setting up your TV

Using the TV’s Features

The COAXIAL DIGITAL AUDIO OUT jack outputs digital audio only during digital broadcasts with digital audio. To hear analog broadcast audio, you also must connect analog audio cables from the L/R ANALOG AUDIO jacks to the receiver’s inputs. Consult the owner’s manual for your receiver to determine the best way to switch between the analog and digital signals.





3/7/06, 6:24 PM

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Contents 42HP66 50HP66 Introduction Safety PrecautionsImportant Safety Instructions Care FCC Declaration of Conformity Compliance Statement Part Introduction Connecting your TVSetting up your TV Using the TV’s featuresFront Features of your new TVRemote control Exploring your new TVRight back panel Selecting a location for the TVBack of TV Left back panelSetting up your TV Using the TV’s Features Connecting a cable converter box or antennaConnecting a VCR Introduction Connecting your TVConnectingyour Connecting a DVD player/satellite receiver and a VCRFrom antenna For an Hdmi connection, see Connecting a camcorder Connecting an Hdmi or DVI device To connect an Hdmi device, you will needTo connect a DVI device, you will need AV Amplifier with built-in digital surround Connecting an analog audio systemTo control the audio TV back panelTo connect the IR blaster cable YourTVYour TV Using the TV’s Features Appendix Connecting a PC personal computerPower connection Setting upUsing the remote control to operate your other devices Using the remote controlPreparing the remote control for use Installing the remote control batteriesTo control a DVD player Setting up your TV Using the TV’s Features AppendixUp your TV Device code tables For CBL/SAT Mode Cable BoxDVD Remote control effective range Learning about the remote controlStarting setup Changing the on-screen display languageTo select a language Changing channels Adding channels to the TV’s memoryProgramming channels automatically Adding and erasing channels manuallyCH RTN TV To change your password Using the Locks menuSelecting a password To select your password and access the Locks menuUsing the V-Chip parental control feature Locking the video inputs Locking channelsUsing the panel lock feature Setting the GameTimerTMLabeling channels To create channel labelsTo erase channel labels Selecting the video input source Setting the clockIntroduction Connecting your TV Setting up Your TV Using the TV’sSetting the on timer Setting the sleep timerTV’s Features Selecting the picture size TheaterWide 2 picture size for letter box programs Scrolling the TheaterWide picture TheaterWide 2 and 3 only Aspect ratio of signal source Selecting the cinema modeUsing the Aspect feature To set the Cinema Mode to Video offUsing the TV’s Features Appendix Using the closed caption featureUsing the CC advanced feature Introduction Connecting your TV Setting up your TVPicture shift Using the Long Life featureReverse WhiteAdjusting the picture Selecting the picture modeAdjusting the picture quality Using Using the CableClear featureSelecting the color temperature Resetting your picture adjustmentsMuting the sound Adjusting the soundAdjusting the sound quality To adjust the sound qualityResetting your audio adjustments Using the StableSound featureTurning off the built-in speakers To select the Hdmi audio input source Using the SRS WOW surround sound featureTo adjust the WOW feature Selecting the Hdmi audio input sourceDisplaying TV status information on-screen Checking the digital signal strengthSelecting the audio languages Selecting the digital output formatTV’s Features Appendix Picture/Audio adjustments in PC modeResetting your picture/audio adjustments in PC mode Setting up your TV UsingAuto power off Understanding the Power Return featureTroubleshooting Not set to the same color see 42HP66 50HP66 SpecificationsLimited United States Warranty Limited Canadian Warranty For Toshiba Brand Plasma Television Models from previous National Service Division