8= Follow Global Binary Only
9= Ventilation Control
10= Lead Relay for Lead/Lag Control
11= Lag Relay for Lead/Lag Control
Control/Reset Sources
The Control Source is also selectable. This control source can be an analog value or an on/off contact closure. The list of possible sources is shown below.
0 = Not Configured
1 = Sensor Input #1
2 = Sensor Input #2
3 = Sensor Input #3
4 = Sensor Input #4
5 = Sensor Input #5
6 = Sensor Input #7
7 = Static Pressure
8 = Outdoor Air
9 = Calculated Wetbulb Temperature (Requires a sensor configured for Humidity)
The Logical AND Source and the Logical OR Source also use the same list of available sources for their control also.
Enabling Relay
Interaction between relays is possible via an Enabling Relay feature. This allows the user to prevent a specific relay from activating until one of the other relays has had a chance to activate (See Sample Configurations Section). This can include such things as waiting for a fan to start before operating a heating or cooling stage.
Delay & Run Times
The relay can also be forced to remain on for a minimum amount of time or remain off for a minimum amount of time to prevent rapid cycling on and off under borderline operating conditions. A Starting Delay Period is also available so that a relay must also wait this amount of time, once it is enabled to activate before the relay output is actually energized.
Reset Source Limits
The Reset Source Limits are only required if you need the controlling setpoint to vary between the Hi Limit Setpoint and Lo Limit Setpoint based on some other condition