Run Time Alarm
If the selected relay output is controlling a device that needs periodic maintenance, you can enter a Run Time Alarm Delay period that, once exceeded, generates an alarm condition that will notify the user when it occurs. If you need to protect the equipment you can select the Disable Relay box and the relay will
Relay Output Type
Some control methods require the relay contacts to be closed when the output is activated, others require the contacts to be open. You can select which method of control to use with this option.
Global Binary Channel
If this output was configured to follow a global binary broadcast, enter which channel (1
-16) the relay should follow. The output will be active when the binary value is “1” and will
Lead/Lag Control
If you have configured this relay as the Lead relay in a Lead/Lag control scheme then you will also need to set the Changeover Interval and the Proof Failure Timeout Delay shown on the right hand side of the relay configuration screen.
The Changeover Delay is used to toggle the Lag output into the Lead once the runtime hours of the Lead output exceed this amount of time on the Lag output.
The Proof Failure Time Delay is the amount of time given for the “Proof of Flow” input to become active once the Lead or Lag output is energized. If this proof is not made within the specified amount of time, the controller switches to the Lag output in an attempt to get the controller running and then sets an alarm to flag the user that something is wrong.
Hi/Lo Limit Setpoints
All On/Off control methods require setpoints to be entered for control purposes. The relay state changes based on the control method selected and the current reading versus the Hi Limit Setpoint or Lo Limit Setpoint. If you have selected the On Above and Off Below method, then the relay would be active when the reading exceeds the Hi Limit Setpoint and it would not be active below the Lo Limit Setpoint. In either case, the user defined Deadband would also need to be satisfied before the actual relay change of state occurs.