Panasonic AW-F575E manual Rcb, Awc/Hold/Abc

Page 9

117. Remote Control Box (RCB) Operation Switch


When connecting the Remote Control Box to the cam-

era without using the Remote Control Box, set this switch to ON position. When the RCB is installed in the RCU, this switch can not operate.

118.Remote Control Box Indicator (ON/OFF) This indicator lights when control data is communicat- ed between the camera and the Remote Control Unit (RCU) or Remote Control Box (RCB).

119.High Gain Selection switch (GAIN. HlGH/MID/LOW) The gain up level can be selected by this switch

The Ievet of HIGH, MID and LOW can be set by the Sub Menu with the combination shown below

120.Night Eye Selection Switch (NIGHT EYE, HIGH/LOW/OFF)

HIGH: Gain-up level of +36 dB can be obtalned at this position

LOW: Gain-up level of +30 dB can be obtained at this position

OFF: Gain-up level can be set by the High Gain Selection Switch (119).

Note: When this switch is set the HIGH or LOW posi- tion, the High Gain Selection Switch (119) does not work.

121. Colour Bar/Camara Selection Switch (BAR/CAM)

In a system configuration, this switch is used for signal selection between camera mode and colour bar mode.

BAR: A colour bar signal is provlded from the Video Output Connector (146) on the Remote Control Unit (RCU)

CAM: The actual picture, as picked up through the lens is displayed

122.Detail Level Selection Switch (DTL, LEVEL-HIGH/LOW/OFF)

The detail/aperture level can be selected by this switch in three steps. Set this swltch to the desired position while observing the sharpness of the picture.

123.Red and Elua Gain Controls (PAINTlNG, R GAINB GAIN)

These controls are used to manually adjust the whlte balance.

These controls only work when the Whlte Balance Selection Switch (126) is set to the A or B position and

PAINTING in No. 2 Sub Menu is set to the ON

turn the controls clockwise to increase the red and blue signal levels and counterclockwise to decrease these levels.

Note: As these controls employ Digital Processing, the Red and Blue signal levels will be changed in discrete steps

124. Red and Blue Pedestal Level Controls (PED, R/B)

The black balance can be set manually by these con- trols when fine PAINTING in No.2 Sub Menu is set to the ON. Turn these controls clockwise to increase the red and blue pedestal levels, and CounterclockwIse to decrease the levels

Note: Asthese controls employ the Digital Processing, these level will be changed in dls- crete steps

125. Total Pedestal Level Control (TOTAL PED)

This control can adlust the pedestal level of the vtdeo slgnal (IumlnanCe) for matchlng tha black ievel between WO or more cameras in a system. Turn this control clockwlse to increase the pedestal level, and counterclockwise to decrease the level.

Note: As this control employs the Digital Processing. this level will be changed in discrete steps.

126. White Balance Selection Switch (AUTO/ATW, ATW/A/B)

This switch is used to select the white balance modes as follows:

ATW: The white balance can be adjusted automatical- Iy

A:The White Balance can be set automatically by pressing the Auto White/Auto Black Set Swltch

(127)upwards. The setting is stored in memory A.

B:Simllar to A, but the setting is stored in memory B

Note: Two white balance setting, one each for dlffer- ent lighting conditions such as indoor and out- door, may be stored in the two memories, A and B.

127.Auto White/Auto Black Set Switch


This switch Sets the white balance and black balance automatically as follows:

AWC: This position is used for setting the white bal- ance when the White Balance Selection Switch

(126)is set to the A or B position. White balance adjustment is required when "AWC A NG" or "AWC B NG" is displayed in the viewfinder or when the Auto Warning indicator (129) on Iights

HOLD: In this posltlon, the white and black balances set at the AWC or ABC position can be held flxed, if so desired, for at least one year

ABC: Thls posltlon IS used for senlng the black bal- ance when the White Balance Selectlon Swltch (126) is set to the A or B positlon

Black balance adjustment is required when ‘ABC NG’ is displayed in the viewfinder or when the Auto warning indicator (129) on the Remote Control Unit (RCU) Iights.

Note: While the black balance adjustment is being performed, the picture will flash in the vlewfinder and on the monitor screen. This flashing indicates that the adjustment is currently being performed and will cease once the adjustment is completed.

128. Lens Iris Selection Switch (IRIS, M/A/AUTO)

This switch is used to set the lens iris of the auto-iris servo control zoom lens as follows.

AUTO: The iris level of the lens is controlled automati- cally

Note: Be sure to set the iris Control Selection Switch on the zoom lens to the AUTO position

MAN: The iris level of the lens is controlled to the desired level by using the Lens iris Control (130).

129. Auto Warning Indicator (AUTO)

This indicator blinks while the white balance or black balance is being automatically set, it goes out once the white and black balances have been correctly set This indicator Iights when the white or black balance is set improperly. In this case, carry out the automatic setting procedure for whtte and/or black balance

130. Lens Iris Control (IRIS)

The iris level of the zoom lens can be manually con- trolled by turning this control when the Lens Iris Selection Switch (128) is set to the MAN position. ‘AUTO IRIS' on Sub Menu/User Set Menu is set to ‘ADJ ON' in the Auto Iris mode, the fine adjustment of this level is avalilable

131.Scene Selection Switch (SCENE USER SET, 1,2,3) This switch is used to select the most suitable camera conditions, depending on scene conditions, to obtain the best picture possible.

Refer to page 60 for details

132.Electronic Shutter Speed Selection Switch

(SHUTTER 0FF/120,500,1000, S/S, ELC)

This switch is operative only when a camera featurlng the electronic shutter is connected with the Remote Control Unit.

When fast-moving objects are shot at the slow shutter speeds typically found in conventional cameras they will appear blurred.

OFF: Set this switch to this position when recording normally with standard shutter speeds

120/500/1000: Choose the suitable shutter speed from these

S/S: The shutter speed can be continual changed from 50 0 250 4 Hz at this position by using the SYNCRO in No 1 Sub Menu

ELC: The ELC posistion makes the electric control for the luminance with the shutter

- 21 -

Note: The smear may be appeared with the high light objects

133. Down switch (DOWN)

used to choosa eslred

This switch is used to decrease the set value of the

item pointed out by the cursor when in the User Set menu

134. Up Switch (UP)

This swltch is used to increase the set value of the desired item pointed out by the cursor when in the User Set menu.

135. Item Switch (ITEM)

This switch is used to choose the item in the set-up


136. Page Switch (PAGE)

This switch is used to choose the desired set-up menu from the four menus.

137. User Set ENC/VF Selection Switch


This switch selects Encoder output or EVF (black and subcarrler

white) output from the Video Output Connector and whether the User Set Function is available as follows

1Switch set to position ENC/OFF

The User Set function is not available

2Switch set to position ENC/ON:

The User Set function is available.

3. Switch set to position VF/ON:

User Set function isavailable and the menu is dis- played on the monitor and EVF

138.Horizontal Phase Control for Gen-lock (H PHASE) The horizontal phase of the camera signal can be adjusted to match the horizontal phase of the signal atat the Gen-lock Input Connector (143).

139.Subcarrier Phase Coarse and Fine Controls


These controls allow for adjustment of the camera sig- nal subcarrier phase from 0º to 360º, to match the phase with that of the burst signal at the Gen-lock Input Connector (143) in a system configuration

The COARSE control adjusts the subcarrier phase phase

from 0º to 360º in 90º steps, while the FINE control allows for continuous fine adjustment over a range of




140. Intercom Jack (INTERCOM)



This jack is used for communications

between the

camera operator and Remote Control

Unit (RCU)


operator in a system configuration with a Special Effects Generator

141.Tally Indicator (REC/TALLY)

When the Remote Control Unit (RCU) is used in con- junction with a Special Effects Generator, the Tally Indicator Inside the viewfinder as well as this indicator on the Remote Control Unit (RCU) will light to indicate that recording is in progress.

Image 9 Contents
AW-F575E Major Operating Controls and Their Functions Lens Iris Selection SwitchCamera Head AW-F575HE Auto Iris Serfvo Control Zoom LensBack Light Comp ON/OFF Scene FILE, User A/B/1/2/3ON/OFF DTL, LEVEL-HIGH/LOW/OFFCamera Adaptor AW-ADS00AE BAR/N.E/CAMERAAUTO/ATW ATW/A/B Earphone OUT SEL, INT/PB Signal SelectIncom Earphone 14X Servo Control Zoom Lens AW-LZ14ST73 Electronic Viewfinder WV-VF42 Remote Control Unit WV-RC7OOAAWC/HOLD/ABC RCBRemote Control Unit Rack Mount Frame WV-Q70 OUTPUT-VIDEO 1, VideoCable SELECT, MULTI/MPX Remote Control Unit WV-RC550 Night EYE, HIGH/LOW/OFFAUTO/ATW, ATW/A/B Down Switch Down Electronic Shutter Selection SwitchUp Switch UP Item Switch ItemLens Control KIT WV-LK35 Electronic Viewfinder WV-VF65BCarrying Case WV-CC500A Lens Control KIT WV-LK36 Tripod Mounting Adaptor WV-QT700XLR type Microphone Connector Microphone Information InstallationInstallatìon of the Optional Mìcrophone Holder Mounting the Camera AdaptorMounting the 5 Electronic Viewfinder Mounting the 1.5 Electronic ViewfinderMounting of the Betacam Format VTR Installation of the AC Adaptor/Charger WV-PS34Removing the VTR from the Camera Mounting on the Tripod Mounting AdaptorAttaching the Shoulder Strap System Connection Connection with the Remote Control BoxConnection with the VTR Connection with a sub-VTR back-up VTROUT PC Mode SystemPrecaution Operating Procedure for Camera Recorder ApplicationVTR PositionsENG Application Operating Procedure for ENG/EFP ApplicationAWC SETR M a L White AWCWhite BAL AWC Hold Awca CheckClose-up macro shooting ‘AWC Operating Procedure for Studio ApplicationLens FLANGE-BACK Adjustment Automatic Iris AdjustmentIris Gain Control in a Lens Automatic Black Balance Setting Setting the White BalanceAutomatic White Balance Setting Black BalancePeculiar Phenomena of the CCD Filter Selection Wheel SettingsUser Setting Procedure How to display the Main MenuHow to display the Sub-Menu User Setting CAM SET-UP, LOW/MID/HI HL CHROMA, OFF/LOW/HICentre MARK, ON/OFF EVF OUT, Y, NAMHow to Reset Reset of the setting dataCharacter Display Display PositionsAWC Memory/Auto Function Display Audio Level DisplayAuto Function Display Automatic Blaik Balance Control ABCClean DNR Display Switch Display/Back-up Battery State DisplayShutter Speed Display High-light Chroma DisplayLens Aperture Display Camera Power and Anton Bauer Intelligent Digital BatteryLens Iris Selection Display Low Light DisplayID Setting DATE/TIME DisplayCamera Status Display Preset SpecificationsENC ELCSystem Accessories Main Optional AccessoriesOther Optional Accessories
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