| 2 |
| |
110Mr | 2 0 Mm | 3 0 MS | 4 0 Miss |
| ||
First Name |
| Initial | Last Name |
| |
Street |
| AM. No. |
| |
City |
| Stale | ZIP Code |
| ||
| ||
Model number: |
| 13 Marital | status: | 1 0 | Married |
| 2 | U | Smgle | |
| ||
| 14 Nof including yourself, what is the GENDER and AGE | |||||||
Serial | number: |
| (in years) of children | and other adults | living | in your household? | ||||
| 1 0 | No one else in household | 2 | 0 Child under 1 year | ||||
Date 01 purchase: | / | / | Male | Female | ‘Age |
| Male | Female | Age | ||
| ||||
Name of store where purchased: |
| 10 | 20 |
| yrs | 10 | 20 |
| w | ||
| |||
| IO | 20 |
| yrs | 1 Cl | 2 | 0 | w |
6Do you own Kenwood home audio products?
1 0 Yes | 2 0 No |
7What factors most influenced this purchase?
(check all that apply) | 06 | 0 | Features/Technology | ||
01 | 0 | Brand Name | 07 | 0 | Previous Experience |
02 | 0 | Store Display |
| with Kenwood |
03 | 0 | Salespersons | 08 | il | Warranty |
| Recommendation | 09 | 0 | Availability |
04 | 0 | Friend’s | IO | 0 | Upgradability |
| Recommendation | 11 | 0 | Web Site |
05 | 0 | Price | 12 | 0 | Other |
8What features most influenced this purchase?
(check a// that ape/y) |
| 4 | 0 | Ease of Installation | ||
1 | 0 | Sound Quality | 5 | 0 | Size | |
2 | 0 | Cosmetic | Design | 6 | 0 | Ease of Operation |
3 | 0 | Technical | Specifications | 7 | 0 | Other |
9What other brands did you consider?
01 | q | None | 07 | 0 | MTX |
02 | 0 | Alpine | 08 | 0 | Panasonic |
03 | 0 | Aiwa | 09 | 0 | Pioneer |
04 | 0 | Clarion | IO | 0 | Rockford |
05 | 0 | Eclipse | 11 | 0 | Sony |
06 | 0 | JVC | 12 | 0 | Other |
10Please tell us the manufacturer, model, and year of the vehicle into which this product wilt be installed:
11Do you plan to/did you install this product yourself?
1 0 Yes | 2 q No |
12 Your date of birth: | I |
15 Which group describes your annual family income?
010 Under$15.000 06 0
020 $15,000.$19,999 09 0
060 $50
16For your primary residence, do you:
1 0 Own? | 2 q Rent? |
17To help us understand our customers’ lifestyles, please indicate the interests and activities in which you or your spouse enjoy participating on a regular basis
1 | 0 | Crafts | 6 | 0 | Hunting/Shooting |
2 | Cl | Listen to Records/ | 7 | 0 | Stock/Bond |
| Tapes/CDs |
| Investments |
30 Avid Book Reading 8 0 Entering Sweepstakes
40 Bible/Devotional 9 0 Wildlife/Environmental
Reading | Issues |
5 0 Foreign Travel | IO 0 Casino Gambling |
Thanks Ior tak~nq the time to fill out this quesfionnalre Your answers will be used Ior market research studies and reports They will also allow you 10 receive Important malllngs and special oiler?. from a number of floe companies whose products and serwces relate
dwctly lo the speclilc mterests, hobbies and other informatlon mdlcated above Through fha selective program. you will be able to obtain more mformatlon about actlvitles m which you are mvolved and less about those in which you are not Please check here lf for Some reason. you would prefer not to parbcipate m this apportun~ty D
Please check here 11you do not wanf 10 sce~ve mallmgs and offers wng your E mad address 0
Copyright 0 2000 All Rights Reserved Please seal with tape 00 not Staple
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lollow~nqlollow~ng pmsprizes one fst Pwe of $50 000: one 2nd Prize of $25 000: and five 3rd Prizes of $5 000
Sweepstakes beg,“% May 20. ,999. and ends December 31. 2001 Enter by ~0mpletl”qCOmpletlnq ihls product reg,st,af,onreq,st,af,on or a Y x 5 card w,fh our name. address. city state, ZIP Code, and the words
“$100 000 G,ve Away If1 and “,a,,,~ PO I ox 173272 Dept 87s Denver CO 80217 9165 Enfnes
must be recewed no later than December 31. 2001. and are lbmlfed 10 one per household Mecban~callyMechmcally reproduced ent‘les no, acceptable Not ‘esponslbfe for late. lost 0, ,lleq,ble enfrle~ A random drawnqdrawng held I” January 2002. w,ll select the wmne,~ fmm all ent,,es collectively recwed
by the sponsormgsponsormq companies Odds of w,““,“g depend on the number of ellqlbleellglble entries received from all S~OI)SQR presentaflons. Open 10 US resldents at least 18 years old, except employees and the,, fam,lles of the sweepstakes ,“dge all of the SPO”SOll”qSPO”SO,~“IJ compa”!es, and their lespeCtl”e
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wnne, agrees to the use of their name, address, and photograph for advertwnglpubliclfy purposes w,tb~“f compensat~o” All erd‘,e~ become the p‘opelty of the sweepstakes judge NO
f,ans,er o‘subst,tu,,on 01 p,,ze IS allowed W,n”er IS ?,olely ‘espons,b,e for all taxes All federal.
state and local laws apply Offer void I” Florida and where prohlblted by law For noflce 01 sweepstakes wnners, send a self add,essed stamped envelope 10 ‘$100 000 Gw Away 111’ PO
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