1 cup milk
3 pasteurized eggs
1⁄3 cup sugar
1⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg, if desired
1⁄8 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 cup brandy or rum
5 cups vanilla ice cream
1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla
In small saucepan over medium heat, heat milk until very hot but not boiling, stirring often.
Meanwhile, place eggs, sugar, nutmeg, if desired, and salt in blender jar. Blend at Low
8 to 10 seconds. Remove jar lid ingredient cap. With blender running at Low, slowly pour heated milk through opening in jar lid; blend 5 to 8 seconds, or until mixed. Add brandy.
Chill in covered blender jar at least 1 hour.
Add ice cream and vanilla to milk mixture. Blend at High about 10 seconds, or until smooth.
Prepare milk as directed for Chef’s Blender. Meanwhile, place eggs, sugar, nutmeg, if desired, and salt in blender jar. Blend at On about 5 seconds. Remove jar lid ingredient cap. With blender running at On, slowly pour heated milk through opening in jar lid; blend 3 to 5 seconds, or until mixed. Add brandy. Continue with Chef’s Blender directions.
Yield: 6 servings (1 cup per serving).
Per Serving: About 370 cal, 8 g pro, 40 g carb, 15 g total fat, 9 g sat fat, 160 mg chol, 190 mg sod.