Thank you for purchasing the “F10M option unit” for industrial inverter TOSVERT
Keep this manual near at hand of the operator who uses the “F10M option unit” for future reference in the maintenance and inspection.
For details of handling, it is requested to have the following instruction manuals.
This manual describes the communication function and its use of
•Serial communication function manual (E6580793)
This manual describes the details of transmission command.
<Type of F10M option unit >
TLF 001 Z -0
Revision number
Without cable
Model number of F10M option
F10M option
<Confirmation on accessories >
Following accessory parts are included in the F10M option unit.
Upon unpacking, confirm on the following items.
F10M option unit
(1) Instruction manual of F10M option unit (this manual) : one
(E6580772) | MAN |
(2)Board for connecting options
(3)Terminal resistor