LG Electronics RD2030 user manual What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?

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3.What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?

The term “wireless phone” refers here to hand-held wireless phons with built-in antennas, often called “cell”, “mobile”, or “PCS” phones. These types of wireless phones can expose the user to measurable radiofrequency energy(RF) because of the short dis- tance between the phone and the user’s head.

These RF exposures are limited by Federal Communications Commission safety guidelines that were developed with the advice of FDA and other federal health and safety agencies. When the phone is located at greater distances from the user, the exposure to RF is drastically lower because a per- son's RF exposure decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the source. The so-called "cordless phones," which have a base unit connected to the telephone wiring in a house, typically operate at far lower power levels, and thus produce RF exposures far below the FCC safety limits.

4.What are the results of the research done already?

The research done thus far has produced conflicting results, and many studies have suffered from flaws in their research methods. Animal experiments investi- gating the effects of radiofrequency energy (RF) exposures characteristic of wireless phones have yielded conflicting results that often cannot be repeated in other laboratories. A few animal studies,


however, have suggested that low levels of RF could accelerate the development of cancer in laboratory animals. However, many of the studies that showed increased tumor development used animals that had been genetically engineered or treated with cancer- causing chemicals so as to be pre-disposed to devel- op ca ncer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studies exposed the animals to RF for up to 22 hours per day. These conditions are not similar to the con- ditions under which people use wireless phones, so we don’t know with certainty what the results of such studies mean for human health.

Three large epidemiology studies have been pub- lished since December 2000. Between them, the studies investigated any possible association between the use of wireless phones and primary brain cancer, glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neu- roma, tumors of the brain or salivary gland, leukemia, or other cancers. None of the studies demonstrated the existence of any harmful health effects from wire- less phone RF exposures. However, none of the studies can answer questions about long-term expo- sures, since the average period of phone use in these studies was around three years.

5.What research is needed to decide whether RF exposure from wireless phones poses a health risk?

A combination of laboratory studies and epidemio- logical studies of people actually using wireless



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Contents Hindi Manual User Contents Phone Book Features … … … … … … … … … Signal Strength … … … … … … … … … … … …Quick Adjust … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Entering Information using T9 Text Input …Planner … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Settings … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 56 CallIntroduction Important InformationFCC RF Exposure Information Check AccessoriesSafety Instructions Before You StartAdapter Charger Cautions Battery DisposalBody-worn Operation FCC Part 15 Class B CompliancePhone Components Getting StartedOnscreen Icons Phone OverviewBattery Charge Level Using the Battery PackInstalling the Battery Removing the BatteryTurning the Phone On and Off Signal StrengthCaring for the Battery Basic FunctionsReceiving Calls Power Save ModeAdjusting the Volume Making a CallQuick Adjust Speed Dialing Call WaitingMute Redialing CallsChanging Letter Case Entering Information using T9 Text InputInput mode Key FunctionsExamples Using ABC Multi-tap Text input Examples Using T9 Text InputFind Name Phone Book FeaturesPhone Book Personal Phone Book MemoryBook from either Find Name, Find by Entry or Find Find by EntryFind Email Changing Information Stored in the Phone BookDialing from a Memory Location Making a call from Your Phone BookDialing from a Memory List General Guidelines to Menu Access Settings Menu FeaturesMenu Write MenuUrgent Read MenuReply SampleUnsent Menu Sent Erase SettingsSelect Call History Select Received MissedReceived Select Call HistoryData History DialledVibrate+Ring and Light with Ring TypePress Ring Tones Press Ring TypeLanguage Other AlertsHelp for T9 ContrastCall Menu Key Guard Menu Data Settings MenuPhone Data Baud set 19,200/115,200/230,400Security Select LineScheduler Planner MenuView by Day Menu How to Set SnoozeAdd Event Menu Press Planner Press Scheduler Press Add EventPress Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase All AlarmErase Old Menu Press Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase OldPress R World Press Planner Press CalculatorPress Planner Press World Clock Sample Games LG-RD2030 To play Black Jack Black Jack MenuReset R-Menu Travel Charger AccessoriesSound Menu TreeAntenna Care Safety Guidelines Posted Facilities Aircraft Do wireless phones pose a health hazard?LG-RD2030 What are the results of the research done already? What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 Where can I find additional information? 100 ÇßÆØ-⌿Ł `æð˙‚ð· ´ýSÌæßÙæ ÀæØM⁄¥æÌ âð ´ªUÜð ¨.âŁ.âŁ. Öæ» 15 Ÿæð‡æŁ „ ¥ÙØ´æÜÙ ¥ŠØæØ 1 ¥æ§Øð ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ⁄Úð·U ¥æòÙ Sý⁄ŁÙ ç¿‹ªU Õæ¯UÚUŁ ´æ⁄ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ¥ŠØæØ 2 ×ŒÜ ¨¢€àæÙ ´æßÚU Õ¿Ì ×æð˙U Üæò⁄ ¨¢€àæÙ ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæ ¯UÙ ßæò¸ØŒ×´Ł⁄ÚU ⁄Ł ßæò¸ØŒ× ¢⁄´Ù ×ô˙U ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæfifiv âð ~~ Ì⁄ ⁄Ł ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⢁Øæ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ⁄ÚU ´ýÌŁÿææÚUÌ ⁄æòÜ ´ýæŒÌ ⁄Úð·UVwx Ù¢ÕÚU ×ôð˙U ¯UÙô· ð⁄ ⁄æØü§Ù´Ø¯U ×ô˙U ABC ׸¯UŁ-¯æU´ ×ôð˙U~ ˙Uð¯Uæ Õðâ ×ð· àæŽ˛ `ô˙‚UÙæ ~ ×ô˙U ×𢠯U槴 ⁄ÚUÙ楻Üð Õ¯UÙ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜU Page Page ⁄⣠×ð×æðÚUŁ S˝Ü âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ ¥´ÙŁ ¨æðÙ‚ ÕØ⁄ âð ⁄æòÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ¥˝ßæ ⁄ ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⌿Ł âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄Úð·UÕÚU ´ÚU ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄ÚU â⁄Ìð ªæ·U ´ŁÀðU `æ â⁄Ìð ªæ·U¢˛ðàæ ⌿Ł Page ׯUæ¡ ´É‚Uð· ⌿Ł´É‚ðU ¿ØÙð· ˛ð„ð·Page Page Âð篢U» ⌿Ł ׯUæ¡ Erase ⌿Ł¥æÙð ßæÜŁ ⌿Ł ⁄æòÜ çßßÚU‡æ ⌿ŁÀŒU¯Ł ªØU§ü ⌿Ł Page ÇÚ¢U» ßæò¸ØŒ× ⌿Ł ÇÚ¢U» SßÚU ⌿Ł orÇÚ¢U» ´ý⁄æÚU ⌿Ł Sý⁄ŁÙ-Ü槯U ⌿Ł Âçßüâ çÚUØæ ⌿Ł~ ð⁄ çÜ âªUæØÌæ ˛Õæ¡ ßæòÜ ´ð´ÚU ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ⌿Ł ⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ˛Õæ¡Page ˙ð¯Uæ Õæò˙U ⌿Ł Âð篢U» ˛Õæ¡˙ðU¯Uæ/ âð篢U»âŒ¿Ł ˙Uð¯Uæ/ ¨æ⁄€â ⌿Ł ÂØÚUÿææ ⌿Ł Üæ§Ù ¿ØÙð· ⌿ŁÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù¢ÕÚ U ⌿Ł¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù. ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ UU ⌿Ł¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`Ú ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⌿Ł¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`ÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ÇÌç˝ âð ˛ð„ð· ⌿ŁÇßàß ƒæ˙U‚Ł ⌿Ł ¥Üæ×ü ⌿Ł⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⌿Ł ⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ÂŒ¿Ł ªU¯Uæ¢ âŒ¿Ł ¸˙üU ⌿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⌿Ł ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ âŒ¿Ł ׸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡„ðÜ ⁄æð â×æŒÌ ⁄ÚUÌæ ªæU ¯UÙ ´æ˙U ⁄Ł L⁄´ÚðU„æ »ð× Sý⁄ŁÙ¥¢⁄ÌæçÜ⁄ ˛`ü ⁄ÚUÙð ⁄Ł S⁄ŁÙ ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ „ðÜÙð ð⁄ çÜ ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ ⌿ŁPage ¥ŠØæØ ¥çÌçÚU€Ì ´Ø˚æðü Page ˛ÿæ ⢿æÜÙ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ØØç€ÌØæ¡ ÚðUç˙UØô ¥æߺçžæ çâ»ÙÜ ð⁄ ´ýçÌ ¥ÚUçÿæÌÌ梯UŁÙæ ⁄Ł ˛ð„ÚðU„ ¨⁄ôÙ‚ ⢿æÜÙ¥‹Ø ç¿ç⁄çˆâØ U´⁄ÚU‡æ §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ U´⁄ÚU‡æ´ðâ×ð⁄ÚU ªUŁØçÚ¢U» ð˙U¨⁄.˙UŁ.. â¢Õ¢ˇŁ U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ ÇßS¨⁄ô¯UÙ ÿæð˜æÇßS¨⁄ô¯U ⁄Ł â¢ÖæßÙæ ßæÜæ ßæÌæßÚU‡æ ØÚU Õæ» ØØ€Ì ßæªUÙô· ð⁄ çÜ¥æò€ØØ´ðàæÙÜ âð¯UŁ ¢˙U ªðU¸˝ ˙Uç×çÙS¯þðUàæÙ ‹ßæòØÚU×ð‹¯UÜ ´ýô¯ðU€àæÙ `ð·âŁ⁄Ł ⁄ Ÿæº¢„Üæ ÌæØæÚU ⁄ÚUÙð ×ð· ÖŁ âªUæØÌæ ⁄Ł ªæU ÇßlØÌ ß¢ §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ §¢`ŁçÙØÚUŁ â¢S˝æÙ ¥æ§ü.§ü.§ü.§ü. Ùð ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙæð·‚ ⁄Ł ÚðUç˙UØô¥æߺçžæ ⁄`æü ¥æÚU.¨⁄. Ø⁄ÀU ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙ‚ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. ⁄æ ßðÕ ´ð`„ô`æ `æ â⁄Ìæ ªæU ¥æÚU. ð⁄ â¢Õ¢ˇ ×ð· U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ ÇÙç˛üc¯U ¥æˆ×âæÌ ˛ÚU