LG Electronics user manual LG-RD2030

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remove heat from the tissues that absorb energy from the wireless phone and is set well below levels known to have effects. Manufacturers of wireless phones must report the RF exposure level for each model of phone to the FCC. The FCC website (http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety) gives directions for locating the FCC identification number on your phone so you can find your phone’s RF exposure level in the online listing.

8.What has FDA done to measure the radiofre- quency energy coming from wireless phones ? The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is developing a technical standard for meas- uring the radiofrequency energy (RF) exposure from wireless phones and other wireless handsets with the participation and leadership of FDA scientists anring the rate at which RF is deposited in the heads of wireless phone users. The test method uses a tis- sue-simulating model of the human head. Standardized SAR test methodology is expected to greatly improve the consistency of measurements made at different laboratories on the same phone. SAR is the measurement of the amount of energy absorbed in tissue, either by the whole body or a small part of the body. It is measured in watts/kg (or milliwatts/g) of matter. This measurement is used to determine whether a wireless phone complies with safety guidelines.


9.What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to radiofrequency energy from my wireless phone? If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we do not know that there is--it is probably very small. But if you are concerned about avoiding even potential risks, you can take a few simple steps to minimize your exposure to radiofrequency energy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how much expo- sure a person receives, reducing the amount of time spent using a wireless phone will reduce RF expo- sure.

If you must condict extended conversationsby wire- less phone every dey, you could place more dis- tance between your body and the source of the RF, since the exposure level drops off dramatically with distamce. For example, you could use a headset and carry the wireless phone away from your body or use a wireless phone connected to a remote antenna

Again, the scientific data do not demonstrate that wireless phones are harmful. But if you are con- cerned about the RF exposure from these products, you can use measures like those described above to reduce your RF exposure from wireless phone use.



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Contents Hindi Manual User Contents Quick Adjust … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Signal Strength … … … … … … … … … … … …Entering Information using T9 Text Input … Phone Book Features … … … … … … … … …Introduction Settings … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 56 CallImportant Information Planner … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Safety Instructions Check AccessoriesBefore You Start FCC RF Exposure InformationBody-worn Operation Battery DisposalFCC Part 15 Class B Compliance Adapter Charger CautionsPhone Components Getting StartedOnscreen Icons Phone OverviewInstalling the Battery Using the Battery PackRemoving the Battery Battery Charge LevelCaring for the Battery Signal StrengthBasic Functions Turning the Phone On and OffAdjusting the Volume Power Save ModeMaking a Call Receiving CallsQuick Adjust Mute Call WaitingRedialing Calls Speed DialingInput mode Entering Information using T9 Text InputKey Functions Changing Letter CaseExamples Using ABC Multi-tap Text input Examples Using T9 Text InputPhone Book Phone Book FeaturesPersonal Phone Book Memory Find NameFind Email Find by EntryChanging Information Stored in the Phone Book Book from either Find Name, Find by Entry or FindDialing from a Memory List Making a call from Your Phone BookDialing from a Memory Location General Guidelines to Menu Access Settings Menu FeaturesMenu Write MenuUrgent Read MenuUnsent Menu SampleReply Sent Erase SettingsReceived MissedSelect Call History Select Call History Select ReceivedData History DialledPress Ring Tones Ring TypePress Ring Type Vibrate+Ring and Light withLanguage Other AlertsHelp for T9 ContrastCall Menu Phone Data Settings MenuData Baud set 19,200/115,200/230,400 Key Guard MenuSecurity Select LineScheduler Planner MenuAdd Event Menu How to Set SnoozePress Planner Press Scheduler Press Add Event View by Day MenuErase Old Menu AlarmPress Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase Old Press Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase AllPress Planner Press World Clock Press Planner Press CalculatorPress R World Sample Games LG-RD2030 To play Black Jack Black Jack MenuReset R-Menu Travel Charger AccessoriesSound Menu TreeAntenna Care Safety GuidelinesPosted Facilities Aircraft Do wireless phones pose a health hazard? LG-RD2030 What are the results of the research done already? What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 Where can I find additional information? 100 ÇßÆØ-⌿Ł `æð˙‚ð· ´ýSÌæßÙæ ÀæØM⁄¥æÌ âð ´ªUÜð ¨.âŁ.âŁ. Öæ» 15 Ÿæð‡æŁ „ ¥ÙØ´æÜÙ ¥ŠØæØ 1 ¥æ§Øð ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ⁄Úð·U ¥æòÙ Sý⁄ŁÙ ç¿‹ªU Õæ¯UÚUŁ ´æ⁄ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ¥ŠØæØ 2 ×ŒÜ ¨¢€àæÙ ´æßÚU Õ¿Ì ×æð˙U ´Ł⁄ÚU ⁄Ł ßæò¸ØŒ× ¯UÙ ßæò¸ØŒ×¢⁄´Ù ×ô˙U ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæ Üæò⁄ ¨¢€àæÙ ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæfifiv âð ~~ Ì⁄ ⁄Ł ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⢁Øæ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õæ⁄ÚU ´ýÌŁÿææÚUÌ ⁄æòÜ ´ýæŒÌ ⁄Úð·U§Ù´Ø¯U ×ô˙U ¯UÙô· ð⁄ ⁄æØüABC ׸¯UŁ-¯æU´ ×ôð˙U Vwx Ù¢ÕÚU ×ôð˙U¥»Üð Õ¯UÙ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜU ~ ×ô˙U ×𢠯U槴 ⁄ÚUÙæ~ ˙Uð¯Uæ Õðâ ×ð· àæŽ˛ `ô˙‚UÙæ Page Page ¥˝ßæ ¥´ÙŁ ¨æðÙ‚ ÕØ⁄ âð ⁄æòÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ⁄ ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⌿Ł âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄Úð·U ⁄⣠×ð×æðÚUŁ S˝Ü âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ¢˛ðàæ ⌿Ł ´ŁÀðU `æ â⁄Ìð ªæ·UÕÚU ´ÚU ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄ÚU â⁄Ìð ªæ·U Page ´É‚ðU ¿ØÙð· ´É‚Uð· ⌿Ł˛ð„ð· ׯUæ¡Page Page Âð篢U» ⌿Ł ׯUæ¡ Erase ⌿ŁÀŒU¯Ł ªØU§ü ⌿Ł ⁄æòÜ çßßÚU‡æ ⌿Ł¥æÙð ßæÜŁ ⌿Ł Page ÇÚ¢U» ´ý⁄æÚU ⌿Ł ÇÚ¢U» SßÚU ⌿Ł orÇÚ¢U» ßæò¸ØŒ× ⌿Ł Sý⁄ŁÙ-Ü槯U ⌿Ł Âçßüâ çÚUØæ ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ⌿Ł ßæòÜ ´ð´ÚU ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ˛Õæ¡ ~ ð⁄ çÜ âªUæØÌæ ˛Õæ¡Page ˙ðU¯Uæ/ âð篢U»âŒ¿Ł ˙Uð¯Uæ/ ¨æ⁄€â ⌿Ł Âð篢U» ˛Õæ¡˙ð¯Uæ Õæò˙U ⌿Ł ÂØÚUÿææ ⌿Ł Üæ§Ù ¿ØÙð· ⌿Ł¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù. ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù¢ÕÚ U ⌿ŁÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ UU ⌿Ł ÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ ⁄æð ˛Õ桯Uæ§× ×æÙð`ÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⌿ŁÇÌç˝ âð ˛ð„ð· ⌿Ł ¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`Ú ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⌿Ł ¥Üæ×ü ⌿Ł⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ Çßàß ƒæ˙U‚Ł ⌿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⌿Ł ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ âŒ¿Ł ¸˙üU ⌿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ªU¯Uæ¢ âŒ¿Ł¥¢⁄ÌæçÜ⁄ ˛`ü ⁄ÚUÙð ⁄Ł S⁄ŁÙ ¯UÙ ´æ˙U ⁄Ł L⁄´ÚðU„æ »ð× Sý⁄ŁÙ„ðÜ ⁄æð â×æŒÌ ⁄ÚUÌæ ªæU ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ „ðÜÙð ð⁄ çÜ ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ ⌿ŁPage ¥ŠØæØ ¥çÌçÚU€Ì ´Ø˚æðü Page ¢¯UŁÙæ ⁄Ł ˛ð„ÚðU„ ÚðUç˙UØô ¥æߺçžæ çâ»ÙÜ ð⁄ ´ýçÌ ¥ÚUçÿæÌÌæ¨⁄ôÙ‚ ⢿æÜÙ ˛ÿæ ⢿æÜÙ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ØØç€ÌØæ¡´ðâ×ð⁄ÚU §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ U´⁄ÚU‡æªUŁØçÚ¢U» ð˙U ¥‹Ø ç¿ç⁄çˆâØ U´⁄ÚU‡æÇßS¨⁄ô¯U ⁄Ł â¢ÖæßÙæ ßæÜæ ßæÌæßÚU‡æ ÇßS¨⁄ô¯UÙ ÿæð˜æØÚU Õæ» ØØ€Ì ßæªUÙô· ð⁄ çÜ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. â¢Õ¢ˇŁ U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ¥æò€ØØ´ðàæÙÜ âð¯UŁ ¢˙U ªðU¸˝ ˙Uç×çÙS¯þðUàæÙ ‹ßæòØÚU×ð‹¯UÜ ´ýô¯ðU€àæÙ `ð·âŁ⁄Ł ⁄ Ÿæº¢„Üæ ÌæØæÚU ⁄ÚUÙð ×ð· ÖŁ âªUæØÌæ ⁄Ł ªæU ÇßlØÌ ß¢ §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ §¢`ŁçÙØÚUŁ â¢S˝æÙ ¥æ§ü.§ü.§ü.§ü. Ùð ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙæð·‚ ⁄Ł ÚðUç˙UØô¥æߺçžæ ⁄`æü ¥æÚU.¨⁄. Ø⁄ÀU ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙ‚ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. ⁄æ ßðÕ ´ð`„ô`æ `æ â⁄Ìæ ªæU ¥æÚU. ð⁄ â¢Õ¢ˇ ×ð· U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ ÇÙç˛üc¯U ¥æˆ×âæÌ ˛ÚU