LG Electronics RD2030 user manual Other Alerts, Language

Page 28


Other Alerts



Any of the two Alert options could be turned on or off.

1.Press Soft Key 1 Menu.

2.Press SOUND.

3.Press Other Alerts.

G Check each option and turn it off if not desired.

1) Service (Menu


If on, alerts you when service changes. When you enter a service area, the phone displays Entering Service Area message. When you leave a service area, the phone displays Leaving Service Area message.

2) Call Connect (Menu


Alert tone notifies the user when the call is connected.

4.Choose among the options and press Soft Key 1 Select.

5.Set On/Off with and then press Soft Key 1 Ok.








Set the Bilingual feature according to your preference, choose between English and Hindi.

1.Press Soft Key 1 Menu.

2.Press DISPLAY.

3.Press Language.

4.Set English/ with and then press Soft Key 1 Ok.

Service Area



This menu displays the current SDCA/calling area the user is in.

1.Press Soft Key 1 Menu.

2.Press DISPLAY.

3.Press Service Area.




Choose the settings of the LCD and keypad backlight.

1.Press Soft Key 1 Menu.

2.Press DISPLAY.

3.Press Backlight.

4.Choose an option and press Soft Key 1 Ok.

G For 10 Seconds turns the backlight off 10 sec- onds after the last key was pressed.



Image 28
Contents Hindi Manual User Contents Signal Strength … … … … … … … … … … … … Quick Adjust … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Entering Information using T9 Text Input … Phone Book Features … … … … … … … … …Settings … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 56 Call IntroductionImportant Information Planner … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Check Accessories Safety InstructionsBefore You Start FCC RF Exposure InformationBattery Disposal Body-worn OperationFCC Part 15 Class B Compliance Adapter Charger CautionsGetting Started Phone ComponentsPhone Overview Onscreen IconsUsing the Battery Pack Installing the BatteryRemoving the Battery Battery Charge LevelSignal Strength Caring for the BatteryBasic Functions Turning the Phone On and OffPower Save Mode Adjusting the VolumeMaking a Call Receiving CallsQuick Adjust Call Waiting MuteRedialing Calls Speed DialingEntering Information using T9 Text Input Input modeKey Functions Changing Letter CaseExamples Using T9 Text Input Examples Using ABC Multi-tap Text inputPhone Book Features Phone BookPersonal Phone Book Memory Find NameFind by Entry Find EmailChanging Information Stored in the Phone Book Book from either Find Name, Find by Entry or FindDialing from a Memory List Making a call from Your Phone BookDialing from a Memory Location Menu Features General Guidelines to Menu Access SettingsWrite Menu MenuRead Menu UrgentUnsent Menu SampleReply Sent Settings Erase Missed Received Select Call History Select Call History Select ReceivedDialled Data HistoryRing Type Press Ring TonesPress Ring Type Vibrate+Ring and Light withOther Alerts LanguageContrast Help for T9Call Menu Data Settings Menu PhoneData Baud set 19,200/115,200/230,400 Key Guard MenuSelect Line SecurityPlanner Menu SchedulerHow to Set Snooze Add Event MenuPress Planner Press Scheduler Press Add Event View by Day MenuAlarm Erase Old MenuPress Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase Old Press Planner Press Scheduler Press Erase AllPress Planner Press World Clock Press Planner Press CalculatorPress R World Sample Games LG-RD2030 Black Jack Menu To play Black JackReset R-Menu Accessories Travel ChargerMenu Tree SoundSafety Guidelines Antenna CarePosted Facilities Do wireless phones pose a health hazard? AircraftLG-RD2030 What kinds of phones are the subject of this update? What are the results of the research done already?LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 LG-RD2030 Where can I find additional information? 100 ÇßÆØ-⌿Ł `æð˙‚ð· ´ýSÌæßÙæ ÀæØM⁄¥æÌ âð ´ªUÜð ¨.âŁ.âŁ. Öæ» 15 Ÿæð‡æŁ „ ¥ÙØ´æÜÙ ¥ŠØæØ 1 ¥æ§Øð ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ⁄Úð·U ¥æòÙ Sý⁄ŁÙ ç¿‹ªU Õæ¯UÚUŁ ´æ⁄ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜ ¥ŠØæØ 2 ×ŒÜ ¨¢€àæÙ ´æßÚU Õ¿Ì ×æð˙U ¯UÙ ßæò¸ØŒ× ´Ł⁄ÚU ⁄Ł ßæò¸ØŒ×¢⁄´Ù ×ô˙U ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæ Üæò⁄ ¨¢€àæÙ ˙U`S¯U ⁄ÚUÙæ¯UÙ ˛Õæ⁄ÚU ´ýÌŁÿææÚUÌ ⁄æòÜ ´ýæŒÌ ⁄Úð·U fifiv âð ~~ Ì⁄ ⁄Ł ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⢁Øæ ˛Õæ¡ ¯UÙ ˛Õ桯UÙô· ð⁄ ⁄æØü §Ù´Ø¯U ×ô˙UABC ׸¯UŁ-¯æU´ ×ôð˙U Vwx Ù¢ÕÚU ×ôð˙U¥»Üð Õ¯UÙ ⁄æ §SÌð×æÜU ~ ×ô˙U ×𢠯U槴 ⁄ÚUÙæ~ ˙Uð¯Uæ Õðâ ×ð· àæŽ˛ `ô˙‚UÙæ Page Page ¥´ÙŁ ¨æðÙ‚ ÕØ⁄ âð ⁄æòÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ ¥˝ßæ⁄ ×ð×æðÚUŁ ⌿Ł âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄Úð·U ⁄⣠×ð×æðÚUŁ S˝Ü âð ˙UæØÜ ⁄ÚUÙæ¢˛ðàæ ⌿Ł ´ŁÀðU `æ â⁄Ìð ªæ·UÕÚU ´ÚU ¨æðÙ‚ ⁄ÚU â⁄Ìð ªæ·U Page ´É‚Uð· ⌿Ł ´É‚ðU ¿ØÙð·˛ð„ð· ׯUæ¡Page Page ׯUæ¡ Erase ⌿Ł Âð篢U» ⌿ŁÀŒU¯Ł ªØU§ü ⌿Ł ⁄æòÜ çßßÚU‡æ ⌿Ł¥æÙð ßæÜŁ ⌿Ł Page ÇÚ¢U» ´ý⁄æÚU ⌿Ł ÇÚ¢U» SßÚU ⌿Ł orÇÚ¢U» ßæò¸ØŒ× ⌿Ł Âçßüâ çÚUØæ ⌿Ł Sý⁄ŁÙ-Ü槯U ⌿ŁßæòÜ ´ð´ÚU ⌿Ł ⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ⌿Ł⁄¡æ¯þUæS¯U ˛Õæ¡ ~ ð⁄ çÜ âªUæØÌæ ˛Õæ¡Page ˙ðU¯Uæ/ âð篢U»âŒ¿Ł ˙Uð¯Uæ/ ¨æ⁄€â ⌿Ł Âð篢U» ˛Õæ¡˙ð¯Uæ Õæò˙U ⌿Ł Üæ§Ù ¿ØÙð· ⌿Ł ÂØÚUÿææ ⌿Ł¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù¢ÕÚ U ⌿Ł ¢⁄¯U⁄æÜŁÙ Ù. ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ UU ⌿Ł ÙØæ Üæò⁄ ⁄ô˙ ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⌿Ł ¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`ÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ ⁄æØü `æð˙ð·U ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ÇÌç˝ âð ˛ð„ð· ⌿Ł ¯Uæ§× ×æÙð`Ú ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡¥Üæ×ü ⌿Ł ⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⌿Ł⁄܀،Üð¯UÚU ⁄æð ˛Õæ¡ Çßàß ƒæ˙U‚Ł ⌿Ł¸˙üU ⌿Ł ׸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⌿Ł ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ âŒ¿Ł×¸¯UŁ×Łç˙UØæ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ç˛„æ¢ ⁄ô ˛Õæ¡ ÂŒ¿Ł ªU¯Uæ¢ âŒ¿Ł¥¢⁄ÌæçÜ⁄ ˛`ü ⁄ÚUÙð ⁄Ł S⁄ŁÙ ¯UÙ ´æ˙U ⁄Ł L⁄´ÚðU„æ »ð× Sý⁄ŁÙ„ðÜ ⁄æð â×æŒÌ ⁄ÚUÌæ ªæU ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ ⌿Ł ŽÜæ⁄ `æ⁄ „ðÜÙð ð⁄ çÜPage ¥ŠØæØ ¥çÌçÚU€Ì ´Ø˚æðü Page ÚðUç˙UØô ¥æߺçžæ çâ»ÙÜ ð⁄ ´ýçÌ ¥ÚUçÿæÌÌæ ¢¯UŁÙæ ⁄Ł ˛ð„ÚðU„¨⁄ôÙ‚ ⢿æÜÙ ˛ÿæ ⢿æÜÙ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ØØç€ÌØ桧Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ U´⁄ÚU‡æ ´ðâ×ð⁄ÚUªUŁØçÚ¢U» ð˙U ¥‹Ø ç¿ç⁄çˆâØ U´⁄ÚU‡æÇßS¨⁄ô¯UÙ ÿæð˜æ ÇßS¨⁄ô¯U ⁄Ł â¢ÖæßÙæ ßæÜæ ßæÌæßÚU‡æØÚU Õæ» ØØ€Ì ßæªUÙô· ð⁄ çÜ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. â¢Õ¢ˇŁ U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ‹ßæòØÚU×ð‹¯UÜ ´ýô¯ðU€àæÙ `ð·âŁ ¥æò€ØØ´ðàæÙÜ âð¯UŁ ¢˙U ªðU¸˝ ˙Uç×çÙS¯þðUàæÙ⁄Ł ⁄ Ÿæº¢„Üæ ÌæØæÚU ⁄ÚUÙð ×ð· ÖŁ âªUæØÌæ ⁄Ł ªæU ÇßlØÌ ß¢ §Üð€¯þUæòçÙ⁄ §¢`ŁçÙØÚUŁ â¢S˝æÙ ¥æ§ü.§ü.§ü.§ü. Ùð ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙ‚ â¢Õ¢ˇŁ ¨⁄.˙UŁ.. ⁄æ ßðÕ ´ð` ÕðÌæÚU ¨æðÙæð·‚ ⁄Ł ÚðUç˙UØô¥æߺçžæ ⁄`æü ¥æÚU.¨⁄. Ø⁄ÀU¥æÚU. ð⁄ â¢Õ¢ˇ ×ð· U´Öô€Ìæ `æÙ⁄æÚUŁ ÇÙç˛üc¯U ¥æˆ×âæÌ ˛ÚU „ô`æ `æ â⁄Ìæ ªæU